Perfect in All His WaysEmerging from the eternal, the Light Bearer emanated into the temporal, becoming the firmament between heaven and earth. In the parable of creation, the firmament is the expanse of space; but the temporal realm is as the womb that received the eternal firmament, whose seed was first invested in the expanse of the Light Bearer’s mind. Taking root, the seed manifested as words, the bodies of thought that gave expression to the spiritual expanses underlying the parable we understand as the material world.
He was
perfect in all his ways until the numbing presence of iniquity He was thrilled and excited about the presence he detected within himself, and he began to fantasize about what could now be done. However, his welcome of the implicit responsibilities in this new relationship with the godhead was not wholehearted. Memories tugged at his enthusiasm. He could not forget life before receiving the Breath; and his reticence about entering upon a new life acted as inertia and became a lingering force that created a gap—a breach—in which there had arisen iniquity: a longing, an expectation, an anticipation for something he could sense but could not see. The father had agreed that it wasn’t good for the man to be alone, and he had withdrawn Eve from his substance. The man had been assailed by the desperation of that gap and he had awakened from sleep to embrace Eve as his wife. And drawn by his sympathy for the travails of the man, Yahushua had wavered between his concern for the man and the joy he shared with the man. The fluctuation had created a spiritual eddy, in which the Light Bearer’s focus had wavered between the eternal and the temporal. The zeal of the father’s house was eating him up. Thinking of these things, now, in the cool of the evening, at the time of day he had been accustomed to walk with the man and his wife, he considered his teachings. Within the context of such idleness as could be expected on long, friendly walks through Eden’s garden of bliss, he had instructed Adam and Eve patiently by his silent voice, which they had perceived in their hearts; but his concern for the creatures had increased. Adam and Chavah hwj Eve had not yet known him as he would always be. They had an intuitive sense of his presence, and they turned to him as newborn babes will turn to the breast; but they needed to know him as he exists in the mind of HaShem, so that they could fathom the father’s presence. To that end, he decided to meet with them by the tree in the center of the garden; and he climbed into its branches to rest until they should arrive for their customary walk together. He must have dreamed; for when his mind cleared and he was fully restored to his surroundings, he overheard the last of a discussion between the man and his wife. And he had spoken up, saying, “Yes? Has HaShem said you shall not eat of any tree of the garden?” The woman replied that they were free to eat the fruit of the trees in the garden, but not the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden—that is, the tree made implicit by the trees that were manifested. They could eat what appeared, but the invisible things of God were not to be considered. They were unprepared; and that which would serve them for life when they were capable of digesting strong food would poison their immature systems They had understood that the symbolic tree was clearly special, because it stood in the midst of every tree, and because the four main pathways all led to its base. The tree separated the garden into spheres of influence, creating halves and quarters, which both confronted and mirrored one another; and the woman had continued to expound on her prescient understanding of the hidden things of la, saying, “Of that fruit we cannot eat because it is inaccessible by our hands, neither can we gain access to it, unless we die. To touch is to agree, is it not? Therefore, to send the thought of touching is tosend the thought of eating. That we cannot do.”
The Covering
Cherub was gladdened by her answer. It was wise, and it was Continuing to teach, heaven’s fiery serpent, aroused himself from his rest in the branches of the Tree of Life, and set forth the day’s lesson. Speaking before their faces as they were positioned above the firmament, he taught them, “You will not surely die; for HaShem knows that in the day you partake of the fruit of duality, understanding the interplay between the seen and the unseen, your eyes will be opened to the dynamics of creation; and you shall be like him, in that you will have knowledge of good and not good. Evil figs are easy to spit out. It takes mature control to reject a fig that is less than evil, but simply not so good as it should be.” They were being schooled in the skill of judging between cattle and cattle. |
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