Alphanumeric Alefbet,
 Gematria and Ordinal

Within the eternal realm is the well of Wisdom, the qodesh qodeshim mycdq cdq: the
cdq in all that is holy mycdq; and rooted within its waters is myyjh xo, the Tree of Lives. The Waters mym of Life are the undifferentiated Spirit jwr of God la as the
IAM hyha rca hyha: as he who becomes hyha that which he chooses rca to become hyha, declaring that he is YHWH Elohim myhla hwhy, the Lord God.

We can choose to speak spontaneously with expressions we, ourselves define; or we can lecture strictly in the accepted terms of etymology, arguing that the traditions of the fathers are adequate— that there’s little to add; but there’s an unsealed book to be read!

The Oracular Torah magnifies and glorifies what Moshe wrote. Join with nwn nb ocwh Hoshea ben Nun (the called) while Y’shua ocwhy (Joshua, Y’shua, the anointed) serves in the seat of Yahushua owcwhy (Jehoshua, the messiah) when Moshe maps out the measurement of owcwhy’s being; for Moses is an apostle sent jlc, like John the Baptist, to prepare messiah’s way, teaching the unity of faith hnwmaof faith, not of beliefs— that comes with the company of Noach, the grace jn of God.

An emblem dictionary will be included in the appendix, but the following quote from an early witness to the importance of the Phoenician script explains my stubbornness for its use in this presentation. This adept, an Essene disciple, wrote of the Moses Script, recalling the words of Y’shua, “I have food to eat that you know not of.”


                          The Apocryphal Gospel of Truth, from the Nag Hammadi Collection

For he revealed it as a knowledge with which all its emanations agree, namely, the knowledge of the living book that he revealed to the eternal beings at last as his letters, displaying to them that these are not merely vowels or consonants, so that one may read them and think of something void of meaning. On the contrary, they are letters that convey the Truth. They are pronounced only when they are known. Each letter is a perfect Truth, like a perfect book; for they are letters written by the hand of the unity, since the father wrote them for the eternal beings, so that they by means of his letters might come to know the father.
I’ve studied the Paleo emblems for over forty years. Sometimes I’m able to read them, like a child just learning his letters; and those times are both refreshing and edifying. For the most part, however, I think of the emblems as elements of a heave offering; and I keep tossing them into my mind, waiting for cdqh jwr, the holy spirit, to whisper the soundless counsel of HaShem into my heart. When that happens, I don’t assume that I’ve learned the meaning of a text, but that the understanding given to me was tailored to address my concerns of the moment.
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