Seth's Increase

A troubled c soul b wonders o whether Wisdom ’s c purpose n in allowing y temptation m is to fuel w the very fires c that so    vex m an introspective individual n.

Sorting through h memories built on assumptions m for threads of significance a, such a one pits w fantasies of the future t against complex estimations c of the present n, hoping to find their worried way to an eventual enlightenment, if you will, or unto the enlightenment, if you must h!

Gematria 1975  hoqtta:
The Sons of Man are the Creator's masterpiece. The heavenly Father energizes a, renews t, and transforms t all who would dedicate q themselves o to Life h, itself.

Numerology 238  jlr  >  85  hp   >   58  jn  > 
al  >  13  gy  >  4  d:
To master r teachings l about the Interface—about  Jacob's Ladder, which spans the gap between Heaven and Earth j—we must remain open p to revelations h that confound n expectations j. In l meditation a, therefore, we give y the birthing process our deepest g consideration a.

912 Years
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