


to mourn, wail; to lament, bewail;


Piety q invites y reversals n that can go unnoticed n; for it discourages q an honest y investigation n  of disorders n. The “religious” mind can interfere with the work of faith by fostering prideful isolation q brought on y by diminished n compassion n. This arrogance forestalls q true humility y, which is the child n of empathy n.

Gematria  210  yr:  
The mystery of iniquity is that faith can be shelved for piety, a catalyst that allows pretension and pride 
r to creep in, unnoticed y.

Numerology 57  zn  >  12  by  >  3  g:
Piety repudiates spiritual progress. Left unchecked, it sets the pilgrim stumbling along, happily humming a thoughtless tune, so long as it can. When the pious are threatened, their self-centered desire n to be saved—at all costs—will kill z. Like a leech, piety will infect all that has been gained and everything that one had hoped to accomplish as it robs y the soul b of its progress and impoverishes it within the downward trajectory g.

Targum:  Piety is as the hurled n spear nyq of Cain: it's a palpable force that—whether it's kept bottled up in the mind or loosed against another q—is loaded with momentum that brings y  sudden n spiritual upheaval n.

815 Year


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