Too often disappointed, Zillah had, long ago, abandoned x
pursuit of any grand role l
in life h;
and she feared x
punishment l
for what she saw as her weakness h.
She’d lost interest x in
disciplining l
her reactions h,
because it never seemed to work; and her mounting frustration x had
subverted l her
confidence, making her captive to regret. She was faced with impossible
choices h!
Suspicion x had
become the driving force l in
Zillah's life h because
she so dreaded q juggling
complex k options,
which might change in an instant h.
had taught her l to
be distrustful
even of her own self j;
so she had learned to dodge x
direct challenges l,
when possible h.
Her only remaining hope was that she might avoid q
further exposure k of
her vulnerabilities h.