


pithy, succinct : sharp dj , simple lq ;
third arm of the Enlightened Sayings;
runs to the east of Assyria (stepping rightly):
i.e., Hiddekel (interpreted as honesty) is prerequisite to authenticity.


The rapids of Hiddekel are very like a palpable rush of thoughts that stream just beyond the mind’s eye, much too swift to be fully fathomed and retained. Its waters surge, splashing as they swirl within us; and should they slow, they also swell and brim, tenuously lapping against the banks and floodgates of hearts and minds. The mystery of Hiddekel's force is its focus; for its waters continuously test j for opportunity d to break through q restraints l.

Like a brother sharing j insights d, Hiddekel pushes the mind q in the direction it must go l; and the river's heft carries the soul beyond familiar and comfortable boundaries j of emotion d and intellect q. Redirecting and driving l perspective j, Hiddekel lays the foundation d for sweeping q changes along pathways of the future l.

In its farthest reaches, River Hiddekel cuts to the east tmdq of Assyria rwca: its rapids run their course and resettle within the river's banks, to safeguard q perception d from the disorderly influences m of random t concepts a that could undermine c effective evaluation w of thoughts r. Finishing their course, the rapids of Hiddekel empty q into the refuge d of quieter waters m, which allow more precise t focus a than is possible in the roiling c grip w of its rapids r.

Gematria 142  bmq:
The mind 
q is free m if it's contained b.

Numerology 43  gm  >  34  dl  >  7  z:
The rivers 
m of the birthing process g convey l the meanings d of words z.

Targum: Realignment of Man’s four faces—body, soul, spirit, and angel j—alters the foundational perception of who we are d, giving us a little boost, as from behind q, while we continue on our way l.

  4 Euphrates  
Pishon 2 Gihon
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