Camel - Ripen - Reward - Do




camel (gimel, gamal)
to drive/ride a camel; to ripen, wean; to recompense, reward, requite, repay; to remunerate, reimburse; to render, do; third letter of the Hebrew alefbet..

Notaricon: a conveyance/g that troubles/m along its course/l; the camel/g and a liberal/m rod/l; the swallowing/g of liquids/m redirected/l; to facilitate/g a release/m that corrects/l.

Gematria, 73/gu: transfer processes.
Numerological Value, 28/jk: evident work.
Temurah, mlg/wrapped; lgm/sickle.




[ a ] [ b ] [ g ] [ d ] [ h ] [ w ] [ z ] [ j ] [ f ] [ y ] [ k ] [ l ] [ m ] [ n ] [ s ] [ u ] [ p ] [ x ] [ q ] [r ] [ c ] [ t