Nun - Non - Perpetuity




Nun (nun, noon)
Non; fish; to shine, flourish; to sprout, spread; to be established; to degenerate, decline; decadent; symbol of the Son of Man; the fourteenth letter of the Hebrew alefbet.

Notaricon: potential/n unites/w with display/actualization/n; to fourish/n or/w decline/n; swift/n and capable/w of moving in many directions/n.

Gematria, 106/wq: propulsion and equilibrium.
Numerological Value, 34/dl: the Shepherd's door.




[ a ] [ b ] [ g ] [ d ] [ h ] [ w ] [ z ] [ j ] [ f ] [ y ] [ k ] [ l ] [ m ] [ n ] [ s ] [ u ] [ p ] [ x ] [ q ] [r ] [ c ] [ t