Acknowledgments is the name of a domain on the world-wide web; it is not an organization.
There is no membership.
The Kingdom of Names is organized by the Breath of HaShem. Our duty is to attune our ears, as we are enabled, and to follow as
we are led. To that end, this site's content has been generated and funded by the Finton family. Betty has been a superb wife and is a very dear friend. This work owes her much.
Continuing thanks to: Eric J. Wilkens, who penned most of the illustrations;
to Michael J. Murphy, for sharing
his approach to kabbalah; and to Shmuel Ben Aharon-Wahli, for instruction in Torah's Sinaitic Hebrew.
Jewish, Christian, Muslim, another? All religions are capitalizations of
faith: the poison in their pots is money; nevertheless, the powers
they invoke are not mocked: they shine through the distortions of Baal. Materials on this website admit of no conflict between Jewish, Christian, and Muslim scriptures: any perceived conflict is the fruit of
misinterpretation or of invention, compounded by influence of cultural traditions. It is thus written
concerning Babylon the Great-- the Great Confusion-- Come out of her, my people!
Culture makes enemies of brothers; and there is no rest for
the widked who carry swordc.
May reconciliation and rest come to all who call upon
The Presence in these days of trial!
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