Six adjacent circles that
are congruent with a central circle
and are drawn, edge to edge, around its circumference demonstrates the dynamics of the Shield of David.
The six will circle the perimeter of the seventh, and their radiuses
will plot the six points of the hexagram. Adding lines
parallel to the Shield's interior structure to connect the outer circle
forms an outer hexagon that frames additional diamonds, any one of which could be
used to replicate the diagram. When the central point of the Shield's interior
is visualized, the
sensation of nesting within cube is stronger. |
Note that David's Shield is the crossing of three diamonds, and that each of its points can serve as the head of an
Adam Kadmon,
when drawn to the scale of Noah's ark. Man's perceptions of the heavens are inherently cubistic,
as memorialized in such symbols as Metatron's Cube and
Solomon's Seal. David is heaven united with earth, hearts united with heart.
With perceptions in agreement, souls can be yoked together; for respect
is answered with respect, which is the reason the House of David is
understood as a house of peace.