![]() How Long? |
Zeal: an Afterword |
If the works of Y'shua were not chosen, but the works of hwhy in him, how then shall our works stand? Beliefs and the works that follow after are but the mammon of righteousness, having their conception in the gift of faith; for there is nothing we have not first received. We are called, first and last, to receive into ourselves the fullness of being called the Son of la/God: specifically, Yahushua, the Projection of hy/YH/Jah. As we are enabled to accept this unspeakable gift into ourselves, the Son of Man is conceived, being furnished unto all good works prepared for him on the path to perfection. Having ceased from his own works by entering into the Father’s rest, a Son of Man can do nothing of himself because he is occupied in the administration of the Father's works. This is the path of shabbat, the seal and perfection of faith. Blessed are they who wait upon hwhy. Consider the stave—the cross-- of Messiah Y'shua: his alignment in the will of hwhy! Knowing his calling and election before his baptism by John, he affirmed that all righteousness is fulfilled by the willingness to drown in the waters of karmic Earth, with trust that the Father is able, there, both to revive and renew him, and to hide him from the faces of corruption in the event of any karmic overflow that might be encountered. As Y’shua arose from the Jordan's baptismal waters in the newness of the life chosen for him by the Father, he went not to Jerusalem to purge the Kingdom, but to the wilderness: to utterly purge himself, there, of the habits of self. This is the fast hwhy accepts. In the wilderness of self-reflection and investigation, Y’shua was tempted, there, to prove his anointing, to put on works, and to worship that which appears. He chose, instead, to wait upon hwhy, and to rely upon the Author and Finisher of the faith instilled in him. This rest entails the posture of the Son and the seal of the true priesthood. To walk in this rest is to know the power of the King. As messiah Y'shua entered fully into his earthly ministry: he did not faint, nor was he overcome by its prospects, because he was prepared to speak what he heard and to do those things being shown to him by the Father’s indwelling. Step by step in its time, he performed the will of hy by walking in a daily sacrifice of self-- overcoming not by might nor by power, but by continuance in the Spirit of hwhy. No doubt there were times, in his walk among his fellow men, that messiah Y’shua understood the Father's intent before the time and manner of its performance was made known to him. He understood also, however, that the house made without hands can be built only by hwhy, and that our labors below are blessed only as they reflect work done above: that to employ saw or axe at his own instigation-- even for good works designated for his own hands-- would be to war against faith. Y'shua did not surrender the reins of his heart and mind only to take the bit between his teeth to run, headlong, into confusion; rather, he conformed himself at all times, in patience, to the transformation that comes from above. We who follow in Y'shua's footsteps are no greater than he. Whatever our gifts or callings or the urgency of the works given into our hands, we are blessed in our service only as we abide in faith. In our weakness, our wills and works are perfected together as they proclaim that hy lives and reigns and is fully able to accomplish his will in us, according to his good pleasure. What, then, shall we understand by our shortcomings? Have we not believed? Have we not surrendered? Have we not dedicated ourselves? Yes, but only as we have been able within the continuum of maturation-- within the ongoing process of a perfecting salvation. When we stumble, we are reacting to the goad of instruction. Let us have ears to hear! Should we fall, we are nevertheless sheltered in the hands of Him who first loved us; and we shall arise in Him again for His Name's sake, and because of His love for us. Let us have eyes to see! When any moment of chastening is over-past, only the glow of renewed zeal according to knowledge will remain; for there is healing in His wings. Let us have hearts to understand! All works the Father gives into our hands through the agency of the Indwelling will continue to direct our feet away from the pitfalls of self, leading us, always, upon the narrow pathway to the perfection that shall reveal our la/God, face upon our faces. All things are lawfully accomplished in the Projection of hy. Let none of us suffer as evildoers by yielding to haste. Let us continue, even as we first began. Thus, does Tsion return in us; and by this are the walls of Yahrushalíem raised anew in truth, with mercy and justice. This is the Father's will: that we believe and rely upon Yahushua—upon the Salvation of hy, the measurement chosen to abide in our mortal tabernacles, the Savior who knocks upon the door of our hearts, that we may remain open to guidance. This is power, and the patience of the saints. Abiding in the Father's rest, we cannot fail to accomplish His will; because we are enlarged by the river of divine love flowing into and through us, which does not issue forth in vain.
Shalom. |