

Gematria 60

Numerology 15 > 6

Tree of Life
tower, refuge, shelter; fortification
united branches; the three crosses; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (mother and two daughters)
burning bush (the process of salvation); plants, herbs, flowers, weeds
the complete physical organism; spine, ribs, skeleton

to be competent, responsible, consistent, constructive, determined; reliance, trust
empowerment; to enforce, demand, insist, require
to warn, prepare, protect; sage, watcher, seer, prophet

to uphold
pillar, post; to support, bear; to strengthen, structure, organize
to authorize, encourage, sustain
to be steadfast; stability, security; constraint; secrecy; shelter, hiding place

to bristle, emote; to shock, frighten; to worry, vex, harass, trap; distressed, irritated
to permeate, spread, broadcast, proliferate; to dissipate; distended; exhaustion
hair; comb, brush; to groom, curry

skin, integuments; fabric; layered, woven
framework; multi-dimensional; frayed, ragged, stretched

walls, corridors; fence, corral; constructions, arrangements
segmented; to overreach; overextended, excessive
to invade, infect

seasons, cycles, days, months, years
progressions; multiplicity, repetition; to harp upon
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