(abaddon) perishing.
Notaricon: to
diminish/a a household's/b opportunities/d with a fixed/w determination/n; a reduction/a of consciousness/b that functions as a doorway/d to mercy/w through
reversals/n; to interfere/a in a soul's/b contemplation/d of just/balanced/w purposes/n; concepts/a are interiorized/b to open the heart/d to a balancing/w of desires/n.
Gematria, 63/gs: separation
processes. Numerological Value, 27/zk: evidence
of the two-edged sword.
Regulating Factors:
a change in direction administers (36/wl) targeted (9/f) conflict
resolution (9/f) and leads to rectification (36/wl).
See destroy/dba;
destruction/hdba; destruction/ndba.
Compare destroy/tjc.