Numerology Value 27: zk


Word Form: nwdba    Value Definition: evidence/k of the two-edged sword/z. See <g63>.
Reduction =
9/f/resolution of opposites.
Oral Tradition: destruction; perishing.   Notaricon: concepts/a interiorized/b to open the heart/d via the judgmentto diminish/a a household's/b opportunities/d with a fixed/w determination/n; a reduction/a of form or consciousness/b as doorway/d to judgment/w and reversal/n; concepts/a interiorized/b to open the heart/d for the balancing/w of desires/n.
Word Form: hqba    Value Definition: cloak/k that penetrates/z. See <g108>.
Reduction =
9/f/a collection.
Oral Tradition: powder; pollen, dust.   Notaricon: concepts/a developed/b under a covering/q of light/h; a miniscule/a formulation/b that obscures/q light/h; motes/a establish/b a covering/q that sparkles/h.
Word Form: wnwa    Value Definition: evident/k goal/z. See <g63>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Ono.   Notaricon: strong/a yearning/w and determination/n for unity/w; the ego/a embraces/w a potential/n union/w; initiating/a a relationship/w to gain/n mercy/w.
Word Form: rwa    Value Definition: productive/k intrument/z; evidence/k of completion/z. See <g207>.
Reduction = 9/
Oral Tradition: light; radiance, brightness; fire light; daylight, illumination; to become.   Notaricon: energy/a ourpoured/w from on high/r; the concepts/a that funnel/w into the mind/r; principle/a bonds/w with thought/r; the energy/a by which to weigh/evaluate/w knowledge/r; emanation/a that sustains/w the mind/r.
Word Form: hkya   Value Definition: extension/k of goals/z. See <g36>.
Reduction = 9/f/integration.
Oral Tradition: where, how, what; to qualify.   Notaricon: principle/a brings/y the fruitfulness/k of enlightenment/h; concept/a determines/y fruit/k of differentiations/h.
Word Form: mma   Value Definition: tumultuous/k result/z. See <g81>.
Reduction = 9/
Oral Tradition: Amam; people/ma in multitudes/m.   Notaricon: an area/a overflowing/m with people/m.
Word Form: hdpa   Value Definition: covering/k that completes/z. See <g90>.
Reduction = 9/
Oral Tradition: vest; wrapping, ephod.   Notaricon: to bind/a the soul/p with fervor/d and light/h; to meditate/a on fruitful/p insights/d that enlighten/h.
Word Form: wra   Value Definition: a conspicuous/k marking/z. See <g207>.
Reduction = 9/
Oral Tradition: lo; behold.   Notaricon: to focus/a attention/r emphatically/w.
Word Form: hca   Value Definition: branch/k of perfection/z. See <g306>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: woman; wife, female; burnt offering, sacrifice.   Notaricon: the principle/a of fire/c light/h; the force/a of wisdom's/c radiation/h; the initial stage/a of spiritual/c illumination/enlightenment/h; the expansive/a consummation/c of life/h.
Word Form: hfm   Value Definition: persuasive/k words/z. See <g54>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: family; bed, couch; litter, bier; staff, stick, rod, baton; stem, twig; tribe; headquarters; down, downward, beneath, underneath, below, under; inclined, slanting; perverseness, perversity, injustice; span, spread; expansion, wing span.   Notaricon: unrestricted/m safety/f in isolation/h; the waters/m comprising/f life/h; the anointed/m community/f in separation/h; water/m collected/f from rain/h; messages/m that restrain/f or winnow/h.
Word Form: abw x   Value Definition: inversion/k of law/z. See <g99>.
Reduction = 9/f/fortification.
Oral Tradition: Zoba, Zobah.   Notaricon: defending/x the status quo/w and inhibiting/b renewal/a; to overturn/ward off/x judgment/w via superficial/b concepts/a; to pursue/x judgment/w by the interiorization/b of concepts/a.
Word Form: hdx   Value Definition: to brandish/k the sword/z. See <g99>.
Reduction = 9/f/target.
Oral Tradition: malice; premeditation; evil designs; wicked intent; to waylay, ambush, lie in wait; to lurk; to scheme; to be desolate, devastated.   Notaricon: an other-directed/lateral/x insightd that divides/h; to ward off/x an opportunity/d for enightenment/h; an aggressive/x examination/d that discredits/h.
Word Form: hac   Value Definition: upheaval/k that severs ties/z. See <g306>.
Reduction =
9/f/breaking apart.
Oral Tradition: to be desolated; to be ruined, devastated; to rage; to be in an uproar; to wonder; to be astonished, amazed, startled; to gaze in awe/wonder.   Notaricon: shattered/c by the force/a of the winnowing fan/h; an undermining/c of concepts/a due to enlightenment/h; wisdom's/c power/a to enlighten/h.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
