Gematria 54: dn


Word Form: nga    Value Definition: potential/n for access/d. See <n18>.
Oral Tradition: bowl; basin; brim, handle; flange, limb; to flange.   Notaricon: ability/power/a to carry/g or display/n; to exaggerate/a an angle/g for show/n.
Word Form: hfm   Value Definition: methods/n of the shepherd/d. See <n27>.
Oral Tradition: family; bed, couch; litter, bier; staff, stick, rod, baton; stem, twig; tribe; headquarters; down, downward, beneath, underneath, below, under; inclined, slanting; perverseness, perversity, injustice; span, spread; expansion, wing span.   Notaricon: unrestricted/m safety/f in isolation/h; the waters/m comprising/f life/h; the anointed/m community/f in separation/h; water/m collected/f from rain/h; messages/m that restrain/f or winnow/h.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
