diviner (adargazer) astrologer; an esteemed/rda one who cuts/pieces/decidesrzg: i.e., one
who examines entrails.
Notaricon: an
individual/a whose gateway/d to knowledge/r
is conveyed from intestines/g after blow
of a knife/z or an axe/r.
Gematria, 415/hyt: measuring
for acquisition of enlightenment. Numerological
Value, 55/hn: possibilities
are sifted. Reduction Factors, 154/dnq: a dark
ritualist whose perceptions are based; 145/hmq: on draining the
fluids of life; 64/ds: for the secret insights; 46/wm: that might be suggested
by evaluation; 10/y: of that which is exposed; 1/a: through vivisection.