Numerology Value 55: hn


Word Form: rtyba    Value Definition: purpose/n of enlightenment/h. See <g613>.
Reduction = 1/a/expansion.
Oral Tradition: Abiathar; father/ba is advantageous/rty; father/ba is abundance/rty; father/ba is a cord/rty.   Notaricon: Principle/a formulates/b gifts/y to regenerate/t the mind/r; concepts/a interiorized/b to achieve/y renewal/t of thought/r; concepts/a given form/b within the continuum/t of thought/r; the force/a within/b that measures/t the mind/r.
Word Form: mwlcba   Value Definition: potential/n for enlightenment/h . See <g379>.
Reduction = 1/a/life force.
Oral Tradition: Abishalom, Absalom; father/ba is peace/mwlc; father/ba is comfort/mwlc.   Notaricon: Primal Cause/Principle/a manifests/b the Spirit/c as guidance/l and comfort/w for the multitudes/m; concepts/a interiorized/b to strengthen/c, guide/l, and uphold/w the anointed/m; an intial/a consciousness/b disruptive/c to elder/l judges/w of the people/m.
Word Form: rzgrda   Value Definition: display/n discernment/h. See <g415>.
Reduction = 1/a/conceptualization.
Oral Tradition: diviner; astrologer; exalted/rda piecer/r zg, ie., one who examines entrails.   Notaricon: a foremost/a avenue/d to knowledge/r from intestines/g via the knife/z and axe/r.
Word Form: uryja   Value Definition: potential/n for enlightenment/h. See <g289>.
Reduction = 1/a/expansion.
Oral Tradition: Ahira; my/y brother/ja is friend/foe/or.   Notaricon: principles/a arise/j to give/y knowledge/r and understanding/[; the life force/a in agreement/j with actions/y, thoughts/r, and understandings/[; forceful/a effort/j to achieve/y mastery/r of discernment/[.
Word Form: ps yla   Value Definition: gain/n by gathering/h. See <g181>.
Reduction = 1/a/harvest.
Oral Tradition: Eliasaph; God/la adds/ps y.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a encourages/l acquisition/y of reliable/s fruit/p.
Word Form: muyla   Value Definition: purposeful/n light/h. See <g151>.
Reduction = 1/a/companionship.
Oral Tradition: Eliam; my/y God/la is among the people/nation/mu.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a guides/l and actively/y surrounds/u the people/m.
Word Form: hcula   Value Definition: purposeful/n light/h. See <g406>.
Reduction = 1/a/creative power/growth.
Oral Tradition: Eleasah; God/la has made/created/hcu; God/la has caused/compelled/hcu.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a inspires/l understanding/u through spiritual/c enlightenment/h; the Life Force/Principle/a redirects/l understanding/u by utilizing/c the winnowing fan/h.
Word Form: aqtla   Value Definition: displays/n of light/h. See <g532>.
Reduction = 1/a/emanations.
Oral Tradition: Eltekeh; God/la shall be expected/aqt.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a introduces/l signs/t in the vault of heaven/q for the priesthood/a.
Word Form: whyrma    Value Definition: display/n of enlightenment/h. See <g262>.
Reduction = 1/a/principle.
Oral Tradition: Amariah, the utterance/rma of Yah/why.   Notaricon: concept/a that reflects/m the King's/r gift/y of enlightened/h judgment/w; the power/a to divorce/m the intellect/r from actions/y that dissolve/h bonds/w; concepts/a that flow/m from a mind/r blessed/y with enlightenedh judgment/w.
Word Form: nwnra   Value Definition: shining/n aura/h. See <g262>.
Reduction = 1/a/vitality.
Oral Tradition: Arnon.   Notaricon: a vigorous/a individual's/r determination/n to broaden/w his potentialities/n.
Word Form: larca   Value Definition: displays/n discernment/h. See <g532>.
Reduction = 1/a/focused.
Oral Tradition: Asareel; right/straight/happy/rca with God/la.   Notaricon: a focused/a and wise/c mind/r concentrating/a on guidance/l.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
