Gematria 247: zmr


Word Form: rmwa   Value Definition: thought/r released/m as words/z. See <n40>.
Oral Tradition: Omar.   Notaricon: concepts/a weighed/w in reflective/m thought/r; meditation/a that brings equilibrium/w to the flow/m of thoughts/r; to focus/a and balance/w a troubled/m mind/r.
Word Form: ljrja   Value Definition: mind/r freed/m by conclusions/z. See <n49>.
Oral Tradition: Aharhel; after/rja entrenchment/lj; strange/rja and profane/lj; companion/ja of the sheep/ljr.   Notaricon: a narrowed/a perspective/j is a mental/r aid/j to redirection/l.
Word Form: rwam   Value Definition: mind/r freed/m by Torah/z. See <n40>.
Oral Tradition: brightness; light, lighting, illumination; luminary; releasing/m light/rwa; exhaust; flue; aired, ventilated (letting in light).   Notaricon: the flow/m of principle/a bonds/w with thought/r; release/m of the energy/a by which to weigh/evaluate/w knowledge/r; unfettered/m emanation/a that sustains/w the mind/r.



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