Numerology Value 49: fm


Word Form: klmyba   Value Definition: the flow/m that resolves/f. See <g103>.
Reduction =
4/d/the Door.
Oral Tradition: Abimelech; my/y Father/ba is King/klm; myy foundational principles/ba determine/klm; myy young growth/ba is with consultation/klm.   Notaricon: an expanded/a consciousness/b to manage/y the messages/m of instruction/l for the purpose of branching out/k; a concept/principle/a by which to develop/b and manage/y messages/m of instruction/l unto productivity/k; life force/a that interiorizes/b the gifts/y of an anointing/m to guide/l the inward tribes/branches/k.
Word Form: nwrja   Value Definition: to loosen/m and break apart/f. See <g265>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: last; final, ultimate, latter; following, posterior.   Notaricon: a narrowing/closing/a window/j that instigates/r contraction/w and decline/n.
Word Form: ljrja   Value Definition: release/m and resolution/f. See <g247>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Aharhel; after/rja entrenchment/lj; strange/rja and profane/lj; companion/ja of the sheep/ljr.   Notaricon: a narrowed/a perspective/j is a mental/r aid/j to redirection/l.
Word Form: bwf cya   Value Definition: mirror/m of the community/f. See <g328>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Ish-tob; good/bwf man/husband/cya.   Notaricon: person/a who provides/y wisdom/c in resolving/f contention/w within the house/b; principled focus/a brings/y wisdom/c to the community/f and/w household/b.
Word Form: yrzka   Value Definition: troublesome/m to community/f. See <g238>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: cruel; merciless, harsh, terrible; destructive, deadly; savage, brutal, relentless; my/y cruelty/rzka.   Notaricon: animosity/a that undermines/k words/z of knowledge/r intentionally/y; focused/a perversity/k that abuses/z the mind/r and deplenishes/y; the disorder/a of pitchfork/k, sword/z, and axe/r is kindled/y.
Word Form: cybgla   Value Definition: a deluge/m that disrupts/f. See <g346>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: hail; hail stones; forceful/la ice/cybg; powerful/la crystal/cybg.   Notaricon: forceful/a strikings/l that facilitate/g acceptance/b of the blessings/y of wisdom/c.
Word Form: nnjla   Value Definition: cleansing/m resolution/f. See <g139>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Elkanan; God/la is gracious/nnj; God/la has pity/nnj.   Notaricon: Principle/a promotes/l affinity/j by displaying/n flexibilityt/n; the ability/a to change/l perspective/j is implemented/n by a son of man/n; the powerful/a role/l of covenant/j in reversing/n degeneration/n.
Word Form: hcyla   Value Definition: anointed/m community/f. See <g346>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Elishah; my/y God/la of the flock/hc; my/y God/la The Great/hc.   Notaricon: the Mighty/a Shepherd/l gives/y wisdom/c by means of enlightenment/h.
Word Form: klmla   Value Definition: trouble/m for the community/f. See <g121>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Allamelech; mighty/la, king/klm; God/la reigns/klm; oak/la of Moloch/klm.   Notaricon: a powerful/a elder/l chosen/m to lead/l the tribes/k; the Life Force/Principle/a guides/l the people/m and shepherds/l the tribes/k; the ability/a to inhibit/l freedom/m and to discourage/l productivity/k.
Word Form: hyrma   Value Definition: messages/m that resolve/f. See <g256>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Amariah; the utterance/rma of Yah/hy.   Notaricon: concept/a that reflects/m the King's/r gift/y of light/h; the power/a to divorce/m the intellect/r from actions/y that divide/h; concepts/a that flow/m from a mind/r blessed/y with enlightenment/h.
Word Form: nnra   Value Definition: unencumbered/m by restraint/f. See <g301>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Arnon; Arnan; noisy; I shall be/a shouting for joy/nnr.   Notaricon: a vigorous/a individual/r with determined/n effervescence/n.
Word Form: nmca   Value Definition: confusion/m imprisons/f. See <g391>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: darkness; grave, desolate place; bat.   Notaricon: disorder/a, disruption/c, confusion/m proliferate/n; to focus/a upon spiritual/c trouble/m without avail/n.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
