Abimelech (Avimeleck)
father/ba reigns/is king/klm; my/y principles/a formulate/b and determine/klm; my/y early growth/greeness/ba is with consultation/klm.
Notaricon: focused/a interiorization/b brings/y counsel/m that promotes/l productivity/k; an individual/a who formulates/b actions/y reflective/m of the maturity/l within the
inward tribes/branches/k; the Life Force/a builds/b upon the humility/y reflected/m in mature/l doctrine/k; an expanding/a consciousness/b receptive/y to cleansing/m guidance/l and realignment/k.
Gematria, 103/gq: a dedication
to arise. Numerological Value, 49/fm: mirroring
Regulating Factors, insight
stimulates an inclination (13/gy) to reconsider (31/al) wisdom's attributes (40/m) via appropriate meditations
mmmm (94/dx) nnnn (40/m) mmmm (31/al) inclination (13/gy) insight (4/d).