Gematria 44: dm


Word Form: layba    Value Definition: an anointed/m heart/d. See <n26>.
Oral Tradition: Abiel; my/y Father/ba is God/la.   Notaricon: Principle/a develops/b and stimulates/y concepts/a for guidance/l; the Life Force/a housed/b in a manifestation/y of disciplined/a maturity/l.
Word Form: mga    Value Definition: water/m access/d. See <n17>.
Oral Tradition: pool; lake, pond, reservoir; marshland; reeds; to impound water; sad, mournful.   Notaricon: an expansive/a channel/g of water/m; a diminishing/a process/g of reflection/m.
Word Form: lzwa    Value Definition: a troubled/m heart/d. See <n26>.
Oral Tradition: Uzal.   Notaricon: diminished/a judgment/w cuts off/z instruction/l.
Word Form: dbzla    Value Definition: the flow/m of insights/d. See <n26>.
Oral Tradition: Elzabad; God/la has bestowed/db z; God's/y bounty/db z.   Notaricon: Principlea encourages/l perfection/z of the house/b through insights/d; the ability/a to stimulate/l Torah/z within/b the heart/d.
Word Form: bayla    Value Definition: the flow/m of insights/d. See <n26>.
Oral Tradition: Eliab; my/y God/la is Father/ba.   Notaricon: Principle/a directs/l the release/y of concepts/a from within/b; United/a Order/l gives/y seed/a to the house/b.
Word Form: amg    Value Definition: fluid/m access/d. See <n17>.
Oral Tradition: drink; to sip, swallow; to swallow up, sprint; papyrus.   Notaricon: to swallow/g liquid/m for renewal/a; a vehicle/g expends/m power/a.



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