Numerology Value 17: z y


Word Form: nba    Value Definition: a manifested/y instrument/z. See <g53>.
Reduction =
8/j/the window.
Oral Tradition: stone; gem; weight, plummet.   Notaricon: concepts/a by which to build/b perfectly/n; a compacted/a formulation/b of potentiality/n; the life force/a paired/b with its display/n; principle/a interiorized/b for purpose/n.
Word Form: ygga    Value Definition: handlers/y of weapons/z. See <g17>.
Reduction = 8/j/conspiracy.
Oral Tradition: Agagite; servants/y of Agag/gga.   Notaricon: an explosive power/a conveyed/g through procedures/g and actions/y; a thorny/a entanglement/g in a process/g or activity/y; an explosive/a vocalization/g that carries/g a threat/y.
Word Form: zwga    Value Definition: blessing/y instrument/z. See <g17>.
Reduction = 8/j/provision.
Oral Tradition: nut; walnut; nut tree.   Notaricon: seed/a vehicle/g that's compacted/w and carved/z.
Word Form: mga    Value Definition: gift/y for healing/z. See <g44>.
Reduction = 8/j/assistance.
Oral Tradition: pool; lake, pond, reservoir; marshland; reeds; to impound water; sad, mournful.   Notaricon: an expansive/a channel/g of water/m; a diminishing/a process/g of reflection/m.
Word Form: ywa   Value Definition: reaching out/y for healing/z. See <g17>.
Reduction = 8/j/assistance.
Oral Tradition: Evi; woe, alas, ah.   Notaricon: an expansive/a yearning/w for redress/y.
Word Form: asa   Value Definition: imparts/y strength/z. See <g62>.
Reduction = 8/j/honor.
Oral Tradition: Asa.   Notaricon: an individual/a with towering/s principles/a; a person/a with responsible/s ideas/a.
Word Form: ua   Value Definition: to offer/y opposition/z. See <g71>.
Reduction = 8/j/discord.
Oral Tradition: although.   Notaricon: an intervening/a understanding/u.
Word Form: anb    Value Definition: to fashion/y unto completion/z. See <g53>.
Reduction = 8/j/labor.
Oral Tradition: build; to make, fabricate; a son/work/nb of futurity/a; belonging to/b an entreaty/an.   Notaricon: to fomulate/b a display/n of concepts/a; to develop/b the potential/n of an idea/a.
Word Form: hl   Value Definition: to feel/y antagonism/z. See <g35>.
Reduction = 8/j/strife.
Oral Tradition: nay; except, ere; a conditional negation; she, her; to her.   Notaricon: to negate/l with emphasis/h; to/l her/h.
Word Form: amg    Value Definition: gift/y for healing/z. See <g44>.
Reduction = 8/j/help.
Oral Tradition: drink; to sip, swallow; to swallow up, sprint; papyrus.   Notaricon: to swallow/g liquid/m for renewal/a; a vehicle/g expends/m power/a.
Word Form: abn    Value Definition: to present/y the goal/aim/z. See <g53>.
Reduction = 8/j/emerging.
Oral Tradition: to prophesy; to foretell, predict, forebode.   Notaricon: purpose/potential/n interiorized/b and expanded/a; to display/n consciousness/b of principle/a; to filter/n consciousness/b according to principle/a.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
