Gematria 53: gn


Word Form: myba    Value Definition: displayed/n process/g. See <n26>.
Oral Tradition: Abijam; father/ba of the sea/my.   Notaricon: Principle/a formulates/b the activities/y of the bodily fluids/m; the expansive/a consciousness/b manifested/y in the anointed ones/m; a concept/a interiorized/b by active/y reflection/m.
Word Form: nba    Value Definition: displayed/n process/g. See <n17>.
Oral Tradition: stone; gem; weight, plummet.   Notaricon: concepts/a by which to build/b perfectly/n; a compacted/a formulation/b of potentiality/n; the life force/a paired/b with its display/n; principle/a interiorized/b for purpose/n.
Word Form: hb ylha   Value Definition: potential/n for birth/g. See <n35>.
Oral Tradition: Aholibah; my/y tent/lha is in/b her/h; ie., woman of the tent.   Notaricon: the power/a of enlightened/h roles/l blesses/y the house/b with light/h; narrowed/a illumination/h prevents/l attainment/y to the means/b of enlightenment/h; the conceptual/a brilliance/h of a teacher/l stimulates/y hearing/b in divisiveness/h.
Word Form: awhyla    Value Definition: potential/n of birth/g. See <n35>.
Oral Tradition: Elihu; my/y God/la exists/is/awh.   Notaricon: a primary/a teacher/l that brings/y discernment/h and balanced/w concepts/a; the Life Force/a encourages/l acceptance/y of gifts/h that broaden/w and expand/a; forceful/a goad/l to attainmenty of enlightened/h worship/w and ardor/a.
Word Form: anb    Value Definition: perfected/n procedure/g. See <n17>.
Oral Tradition: build; to make, fabricate; a son/work/nb of futurity/a; belonging to/b an entreaty/an.   Notaricon: to fomulate/b a display/n of concepts/a; to develop/b the potential/n of an idea/a.
Word Form: abn    Value Definition: potentiality/n vocalization/g. See <n17>.
Oral Tradition: to prophesy; to foretell, predict, forebode.   Notaricon: purpose/potential/n interiorized/b and expanded/a; to display/n consciousness/b of principle/a; to filter/n consciousness/b according to principle/a.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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