Gematria 85: hp


Word Form: ddwmla   Value Definition: expression/p evaporates/h. See <n40>.
Oral Tradition: Almodad; sangfroid: cold-blooded self-posession; his/w silence/mla of the bosom/dd.   Notaricon: focus/a that prevents/l reflection/m and/w obstructs/d insight/d.
Word Form: dpa   Value Definition: the soul's/p aura/h. See <n22>.
Oral Tradition: Ephod; to gird, bind; to praise.   Notaricon: to bind/a the soul/p with fervor/d; to meditate/a on fruitful/p insights/d; ability/a commands/p notice/d; to restrict/a a manner/p of investigation/d.
Word Form: hp   Value Definition: an orifice/p that distributes/collects/h. See <n22>.
Oral Tradition: mouth; speech, saying; order, command; orifice, opening, entrance; end, extremity; border, edge; the seventeenth letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: the mouth/p enlightens/h; an edge/p highlighted/h; an expression/p emphasized/h.



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