Numerology Value 22: bk


Word Form: hnba    Value Definition: teachings/k by which to build/b. See <g58>.
Reduction = 4/d/access.
Oral Tradition: Abana; stony.   Notaricon: concepts/a formulating/b a perfection/n of enlightenment/h; principles/a interiorized/b in display/n of illumination/h; compacted/a forms/b that filter/n light/h.
Word Form: qba    Value Definition: extensions/k of pairings/b. See <g103>.
Reduction = 4/d/nexus.
Oral Tradition: to embrace; to clasp, hug; to wrestle, grapple with;; to struggle, fight; to stir up dust; to powder, pulverize; to wipe dust; dust, powder, a shade, tinge, touch; a loop, slot, buttonhole.   Notaricon: an expansive/a interiorization/b of holiness/q; the concept/a of accepting/b a sanctifcation/q; a miniscule/a formulation/b that covers/q; force/a that creates/b smoke/dust/q; an explosive/a association/b of vibrations/q; principle/a housed/b in a domain/q.
Word Form: hywa    Value Definition: inversion/k of consciousness/b. See <g22>.
Reduction = 4/d/obstruction.
Oral Tradition: woe, sorrow, heartbreak.   Notaricon: a heated/a yearning/w that brings/y isolation/h.
Word Form: nza    Value Definition: branches/k of hearing/b. See <g58>.
Reduction = 4/d/perception.
Oral Tradition: ear; hearing; to balance, broaden, attune, weigh carefully; levelled, poised; handle; belt; weapon; instrument.   Notaricon: projection/protrusion/a that sticks out/hangs down/z for a purpose/n; to expand/a the instruments/z of one's potential/n; the inward path/a of language/z displayed/n; essence/a carved out/z of potentiality/n.
Word Form: kya     Value Definition: branches/k of formation/b. See <g31>.
Reduction = 4/d/a doorway.
Oral Tradition: where, how, what; to qualify.   Notaricon: principle/a brings/y fruitfulness/k; concept/a determines/y extension/k.
Word Form: dpa   Value Definition: covering/k for the flesh/b. See <g85>.
Reduction = 4/d/security.
Oral Tradition: Ephod; to gird, bind; to praise.   Notaricon: to bind/a the soul/p with fervor/d; to meditate/a on fruitful/p insights/d; ability/a commands/p notice/d; to restrict/a a manner/p of investigation/d.
Word Form: ara   Value Definition: evident/k alertness/b. See <g202>.
Reduction = 4/d/perception.
Oral Tradition: Ara; lion.   Notaricon: the ability/a to govern/r physical vitality/a; ideas/a predominate/r emphatically/a; a focus/a upon intellectual/r principles/a.
Word Form: ca   Value Definition: upheaval/k inside/b. See <g301>.
Reduction = 4/d/the heart.
Oral Tradition: fire; heat; conflagration; wrath; glitter.   Notaricon: the principle/a of fire/c; explosive/a destruction/c; emanation/a of the Spirit/c; a mote/a that sparkles/c.
Word Form: hp   Value Definition: a concave/k form/b. See <g85>.
Reduction = 4/d/doorway.
Oral Tradition: mouth; speech, saying; order, command; orifice, opening, entrance; end, extremity; border, edge; the seventeenth letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: the mouth/p enlightens/h; an edge/p highlighted/h; an expression/p emphasized/h.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

The Cardinal Numbers
