Gematria 31: al


Word Form: hyzja    Value Definition: guided/l by principle/a. See <n31>.
Oral Tradition: Ahaziah; the possession/zja of Yah/hy.   Notaricon: the power/a to amass/j fulfilled/z through acts/y of enlightenment/h; the life force/a in agreement/j with the perfect/z blessings/y of light/h; the forceful/a efforts/j of the warrior's/z hand/y is restrained/h.
Word Form: djyja   Value Definition: mature/l friend/a. See <n31>.
Oral Tradition: Ahihud; mysterious; my/y brother/ja is a riddle/dwj; my/y brother/ja shouts/dj.   Notaricon: a strong/a helping/j hand/y who enhances/stretches/j opportunities/d.
Word Form: kya   Value Definition: guidance/l of principle/a. See <n22>.
Oral Tradition: where, how; to qualify.   Notaricon: principle/a brings/y fruitfulness/k; concept/a determines/y extension/k.
Word Form: la   Value Definition: Guiding/l Principle/a. See <n13>.
Oral Tradition: God, god; directed/l strength/a, might; mighty; the ruling, governing, guiding Principles of life; no, not, not now; these.   Notaricon: Primal/a Cause/l; Principle/a of Order/l; United/a Order/l; seed/a of the Beard/l; Life Force/a of Authority/l; the concepts/a of instruction/l; concept/a that directs/l; force/a that resists/l.
Word Form: al   Value Definition: change/l of concept/a. See <n13>.
Oral Tradition: no; not, nay.   Notaricon: a prodding/l of principles/a; a stirring/l of concepts/a; a redirection/l that limits/reduces/a; a resistance/l within the life force/a.



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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