God (al, el, ale)
mighty; the ruling, governing, guiding l Principles of Life a; no, not, not now; these; god: being who controls the power/a of the staff/l, applying/l its strength/a.

Eriktology: Primal/a Cause/l; the principle/a of order/l; Singular (United)/a Order/l; the seed/a of antiquity/l; the Personage/a of the Shepherd/l; the concepts/a of instruction/l; a concept/a that serves as guide/l; a force/a that resists/l.

Gematria, 31/al: guiding principles.
Numerology, 13/
gy: the hand that beckons.
Reduction, 4/
d: foundation.

Anagram, al/not.

See these/nyla; God/hla; myhla.

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