| | Eloha (allah, ela, ayleh, Eloha) God, Ela, Elah, Alah; an oak; goddess; club, bat, baton, cudgel; oath, swearing; to promise, swear; to lament, mourn; these, those; Hebraic cognate of the Arabic Allah. Eriktology: being with the ability/a to impose order/l on Light, Life/h; the Life Force/a, as goad/l to enlightenment/h; Principle/a guides/l and refines/h; a force/a that prods/l and winnows/h. Gematria, 36/wl Ancient Essence, Guide of Heaven. Numerology, 18/jy: Offers Covenant. Anagrams, lha/tent; alh/remove; hal/Leah. See behold wla; God la; myhla; hwla; Elah ala; alas ylla. |