Dance of the Sufi Warrior | ||
The times of creation are not linear, as the natural mind would inform us, but circular, as memory, intuition, and the movement of heavenly bodies suggest. This view was favored by ancient seers and is gaining popularity among modern scientists. As HaShem told the prophet Jeremiah, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Our paths begin in heaven, not on earth; and our futures will find us on one of any number of heaven’s mansions as we explore everlasting life; but for that to become reality, we must pass through the eye of the needle: through heaven’s farther gate and into realms that eye has not seen nor ear, heard. The gatekeeper is the creator, but iniquity hides in the nexus between what is above and those things that are below and between that which is and that which is coming to be. Neither bad nor good, iniquity is a reagent that operates under the purview of HaShem. It’s not subject to the laws of temporal realms, though all realms are bound by the same principles, in that they are of the father. Although iniquity and its operations stem from a realm that’s beyond the known realms of heaven or earth, its effects are experienced in temporal realms because they are fundamental to creation’s systems. We are taught HaShem, alone, is perfect—that there is none good but la. The conflation is jolting, but it must be true: among all beings, only God is good, and the Tree of Lives is not rooted in created realms, but in the eternal, where it is hidden with la, as are all our lives. The father is responsible for all things, and he agrees; for from the beginning, the father’s word has proclaimed his work to be “good” and “very good.”
Lucifer wasn’t an inhabitant of the temporal realms. He was the covering cherub for all of creation, as though he were an intelligent membrane between organs with differing functions. He joined part to part while serving the whole in the interests of order; for he supported communication between synchronized operations of the autonomous components of integrated systems. The interface between the creator and all that came to be, the covering cherub held occupancy in all realms, but no realm could claim him as occupant. |
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