Language of the Realms

 Many believe there is an eternal realm of undifferentiated spirit, a concept voiced by the “Central Fire” of the philosopher Philolaus. Our La is what he is, and he sees no other. Contrary speculation is pointless, as well as faithless, but we can question; and knowledge will increase through study, but only in part; for we must await revelation by the holy spirit cdqh jwr if we are truly to know in the manner we are known.

It’s written, “Blessed are those who wait upon YHWH.” The eternal realm doesn’t open to the will of man, nor does it open in response to man’s fervent hope or his tears of self-immolation. Mortals who overcome in Laodicea will meet Mashiyach at the door that opens onto wonders we can’t imagine, but Yahushua either opens it or he will hold it fast, according to HaShem’s good pleasure; for La deals with the unruly as he will.

It’s rumored—taught—that the iniquity found in Lucifer was sin. Because usage establishes a word’s accepted meanings within society, to the end that we can at least try to understand one another, we must accept that it is so. However, I’ve written a great many words explaining the reasons I don’t think that it’s strictly so!

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