Accretion: Piecing Perceptions Together

the course of these latter days, science has taught us that there are
ons that could swallow the sun and its planetary systems in a
moment! How much grander must be the power of the great spirit that
gives birth to the wonders that mock the present
with a future that hangs in the balance! If YHWH Elohim had ventured from his fullness, leaving demands of the eternal in order to attend to the diverse demands of nascent temporal realms, all would have miscarried; and nothing would have remained but perdition— complete and irreparable ruin.

The operative word of creation was "Let there be!” This benevolent saying was the beginning of time. However, what came to pass was not the vision, but the effects of the vision. The vision, itself, would find its fulfillment within the history of man. To that end, the projection of hy, the covering cherub, sacrificed eternal life, so that it could incarnate within man: the Light Bearer would become entombed in the immortal realm. As Yahushua, his throne would be within the third heaven; but he would also incarnate as ImmanuAL within those angels who put on mortality, that he might share with them every moment of their lives on earth as men and as women. Together, they would lay the foundations of the Kingdom of Names; and they would rebuild the Tabernacle of David on earth, in commemoration of the restoration of all things.

Now One in us, the covering cherub emanated from within the eternal as the Light Bearer, in affirmation of the father’s love for creation. His function would be to establish and maintain creation’s viability; and his duty was to accept, within himself, the responsibility of seeing to the enlightenment of all beings who would taste mortal life in created realms, preparing them for the immortal souls of their lives in the Kingdom of Names; for creation has become the womb of eternity. The work has just begun.

B ecause he was of the eternal, the Light Bearer would retain his root within the eternal as the days of creation progressed: by reason of his simultaneous projection into the temporal, he had parted the hoof and had extended his eternal life unto its temporal platforms within the immortal and material realms. In all this, he had affirmed his projection by the Name hwhy as the cherub charged with providing the covering—the substance— for the complex potentialities of the temporal. He was worthy of his responsibilities: perfect in all his ways, which were innumerable and extremely dynamic within creation’s many systems. Further, as Light Bearer he would appear upon earth, from time to time, as captain of the hosts of hwhy in order to enforce the rule of mercy.

The Light Bearer draws strength from his eternal root within the Tree of Life. By his projection into the temporal as divine interface, he patrols the faces of potentiality as he searches for doors, warring against every misguided theorem, sharing his light with those who give him welcome,
while ministering to the reactions of those who were unable to receive the light he bears. Recording his interactions with worms of fire dressed in mortality, he relays measurements of faith and awaits instruction for further service. All this and more is within the Light Bearer’s responsibility as ImmanuAL Yahushua.

Anchored in the roots of the Tree of Life, ImmanuAL became manifested within the Life Tree’s canopy; and as Yahushua, the Light Bearer, the projection of father Yah hy, he was awarded a double portion and was set on his candlestick in the third heaven, from which his light fell to earth as the Vine, giving him unlimited flexibility, which he uses to explore and enlighten the deepest caverns of all that will ever be encountered in the material planes of the temporal realm.

Probing possibilities, the Vine’s tendrils anticipate creation’s structures, determining whether they will become suited for the immortal or the mortal planes of the temporal realm. Throughout the arc of his projection as covering cherub, the Light Bearer sowed the seed of the eternal, bestowing the gift of sentient life born of vision to all that could receive it. Able to measure his effects as he labored, he took meticulous care to honor his service in HaShem. Not avoiding his other duties, the Life Bearer offers the gift of joy to all who understand the parable of the pearl of great price.

The father’s will includes times of rest. When a spirit enters an expanse, it must regather itself unto its base within ImmanuAL, so that it can marshal strength for projection as a firmament of Yahushua. Sharing in the spirit’s rest, the Light Bearer relaxes among the Greater Tree’s branches, which glow with the light of his mantle. When he arises, the branches arise with him; and when he pauses, the branches pause. When he resumes movement, the branches also move; for their light is One: they share, as with us, the Sufi Dance of Life.

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