Give it RestThe seventh day had come, and the Light Bearer took his rest in the canopy of the Tree of Life, gracing its branches with the luster of his aura as he settled in to monitor and realign the chakras he now shared with the children of Adam by virtue of his presence as ImmanuAL. He could move freely upon the primary branches of what men were now calling Jacob’s Ladder, whereas the branches whose ends held clusters of leaves drooped beneath his presence; for he was weighed down with the cares of mortality. But reaching his place of rest along the reaches of the Tree’s solid branches, he was content. He would sing, and his voice would be heard by all given ears to hear. He had explored every contingency within the timelines of all places in creation, and he was enchanted— mesmerized— by the countless melodies the future held. He looked forward to sharing in the discoveries that awaited those upon the lesser branches of the Tree of Life, which took on its greenery and shed its leaves when seasons turned. With the ripening of those beings, the tree’s fruits would pepper every age everywhere in harmony with created realms. Immortal worms of fire chose to put on mortality in the temporal, but the life in them retains presence in the immortal and is hidden in the eternal. Because of their immortal cores, their temporal lives triumph over dissolution, awaiting the restoration of all things; for the illusion of death will vanish as its victory over mortal life is proven to be fallacy. Death holds no real power in the temporal, because life is rooted in the eternal. In the great day that is anticipated by all, shape-shifting mortality will have played its part in the grand symphony of everlasting life. It catered to the ambivalence of the least of the immortals; and its passing will open the way to inheritance of the lands of promise, bordered by the celestial bodies of light and their imperishable souls. |
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