Gematria 357: zn c


Word Form: cwna   Value Definition: wisdom's/c potential/n for perfection/z. See <n42>.
Oral Tradition: Enos; man, human being, mankind; severe, serious; mortal; personification.   Notaricon: the life force/a hidden/n in bonds/w of wisdom/c; a unity/a of diverse potentialities/n united/w by Spirit/c; the seed/a of the Son of Man/n as an outpouring/w of the angelic fires/c.
Word Form: lwkca   Value Definition: wisdom's/c potential/n for perfection/z. See <n51>.
Oral Tradition: cluster; a bunch, group; there is/ca wholeness/lwk.   Notaricon: the ability/a to contend/c with diversity/k equably/w as a shepherd/l.
Word Form: hnbc   Value Definition: wisdom/c to propose/n goals/z. See <n42>.
Oral Tradition: Shebnah; Shebna, growth.   Notaricon: wisdom/c develops/b potential/n via enlightenment/h.



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