Numerology Value 51: an


Word Form: mym lba    Value Definition: the intake/n of concepts/a. See <g123>.
Reduction =
6/w/an outpouring.
Oral Tradition: Abel-maim; Meadow/lba of Water/mym; irrigated/mym plain/lba.   Notaricon: principle/a pairs/b with guidance/l to release/m the gifts/y of reflection/m; an expansive/a habitation/b for learning/l the fullness/m of manifestations/y through their mirrored states/m.
Word Form: yurda    Value Definition: purpose/n of principle/a. See <g285>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Edrei; arm, foreleg; my/y force/urda; mist/da in the pasture/yur.   Notaricon: perception/a is the gateway/d for intellectual/r understanding/u of actions/y; the force/a path/d from the shoulder/r to the balled/u fist/y; the powerful/a emotions/d that rule/r compassionate/u acts/y.
Word Form: mq yja   Value Definition: restricting/n growth/a. See <g159>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Ahikam; my/y brother/ja arises/mwq; myy brother/ja is an enemy/foe/mq.   Notaricon: a close/a relationship/j that brings/y draining/q troubles/m.
Word Form: twlya   Value Definition: disiplay/n of focus/a. See <g447>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Eloth; strength, power, might; potency.   Notaricon: strength/a to implement/y instruction/l and/w to endure/t; the life force/a attains/y direction/l and balance/w upon its continuum/t; the ability/a to negotiate/y turns and bendings/l with equilibrium/w and precision/t.
Word Form: htayla   Value Definition: display/n of focus/a. See <g447>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Eliathah; myy God/la is You/hta; my/y God/la comes/twa; myy God/la consents/twa.   Notaricon: Principle's/a role/l in bringing/y renewal/a and regeneration/t through enlightenment/h; the Life Force/a prompts/l acquisition/y of concepts/a that measure/t Light/h.
Word Form: flpla   Value Definition: display/n of power/a. See <g150>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Elpalet; Eliphelet, Eliphalet; God/la rescues/delivers/flp.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a shepherds/l with pronouncements/p in defense/l of the comunity/f.
Word Form: mwqla   Value Definition: display/n of ability/a. See <g177>.
Reduction =
6/w/to pivot.
Oral Tradition: the might/la to rise up/mwq; passivity, resistlessness: no/la arising/mwq.   Notaricon: the ability/a of an elder/l to stand out/q during intense/w difficulty/m; disorder/a leads/l to covert/q yielding/w to difficulties/m.
Word Form: hnqla   Value Definition: preeminence/n of Principle/a. See <g186>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Elkanah; God/la has taken possession/hnq; God/la has purchased/hnq.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a leads/l the realm/q with prominent/n discrimination/h.
Word Form: twbra   Value Definition: desire/n for growth/a. See <g609>.
Reduction =
6/w/reaching out.
Oral Tradition: Aruboth; latticework.   Notaricon: the ability/a to sacrifice/r the flesh/b as a cauldron/w for regeneration/t.
Word Form: nmgra   Value Definition: exchange/n of ideas/a. See <g294>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: purple.   Notaricon: focused/a knowledge/r that facilitates/g reflection/m upon potentialities/n; powerful/a beauty/r that goes beyond/g superficial/m desires/n.
Word Form: lwkca   Value Definition: implements/n restraints/a. See <g357>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: cluster; a bunch, group; there is/ca wholeness/lwk.   Notaricon: the ability/a to contend/c with diversity/k equably/w as a shepherd/l.
Word Form: nnta   Value Definition: disbursement/n settled upon/a. See <g501>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Ethnan; hire, reward, gift, present.   Notaricon: to bind/settle upon/a a measurement/t in exchange/n for a loss/n.
Word Form: cr y   Value Definition: the Son of Man/n is empowered/a. See <g510>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: inherit; to possess, take possession; to succeed, follow after, occupy.   Notaricon: to attain/y authority/r through wisdom/c; to acquire/y by the axe/r of annihilation/c; to receive/y the King's/r peace/c.
Word Form: rcy   Value Definition: the purpose/n of principle/a. See <g510>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: Jesher, Jasher; straight, straightened, levelled; smooth, aligned; straightforward, just, upright, righteous; pleasing, agreeable, fair, honest; righteousness, equity, honesty, integrity, sincerity.   Notaricon: blessed/y with wisdom/c and knowledge/r; the hand/y is strengthened/c by the mind/r; active/y utilization/c of honor/r.
Word Form: q ydx    Value Definition: display/n of principle/a. See <g204>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: right; righteous, just, innocent, honest; upright, pious, God-fearing; a saint; correct, acquitted; the eighteenth letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Value Definition: an innocent/x heart/d attains/y sanctification/q; the transforming/x perceptions/d that manifest/y holiness/q.
Word Form: cyr   Value Definition: reversal/n and diminishment/a. See <g510>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: poverty; penury, destitution; head, principal, chief; the twentieth letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: poverty/r is the gift/y of wisdom/c; the axe/r deprives/y and shatters/c; governor/r that manages/y and utilizes/c.
Word Form: r yc   Value Definition: purpose/n of inspiration/a. See <g510>.
Reduction =
Oral Tradition: sing; to praise; song, chant, hymn, poem, poetry, music; chain, braclet; retention; sojourner, wayfarer, traveller.   Notaricon: wisdom/c provides/y beauty/r; strength/c to attain/y the mountain/r



Paleo-Hebrew Gematria

[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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