Gematria 501: aq t


Word Form: yntma   Value Definition: measurement/t that drains/q vitality/a. See <n60>.
Oral Tradition: terrible; hiddeous; womb/ma of monsters/ynt.   Notaricon: forceful impetus/a resulting/m in utter/t loss/n of action/y.
Word Form: cra   Value Definition: measurement/t of a concecrated/q ego/a. See <n42>.
Oral Tradition: betroth; espouse; engaged to be married.   Notaricon: to humble/a the mind/r in wisdom/c.
Word Form: rca   Value Definition: to measure/t and regulate/q concepts/a. See <n42>.
Oral Tradition: Asher, Asshur; to verify, confirm; to endorse, sanction, approve; to testify, acknowledge; to certify; to praise; to make happy; to walk, lead, be led; happiness, bliss; blessing; who, which, that; as to, regarding; in order that.   Notaricon: the emanation/a of wisdom/c rules/r; concepts/a utilized/c with mastery/r; to be inspired/a by a wise/c leader/r.
Word Form: nnta   Value Definition: a measurement/t confirmed/q and settled upon/a. See <n51>.
Oral Tradition: Ethnan; hire, reward, gift, present.   Notaricon: to bind/settle upon/a a measurement/t in exchange/n for a loss/n.
Word Form: car   Value Definition: measurement/t of a kingdom's/q power/a. See <n42>.
Oral Tradition: Rosh; the head; chief, captain, leader, principal; crest, summit, top; first, beginning, start; tributary; capital; part, division, section; company; vertex; main, foremost; poison, hemlock.   Notaricon: authority/r power/a strength/c; to rule/r by principles/a of wisdom/c; an impoverishing/r mote/a that destroys/c.
Word Form: rac   Value Definition: measurement/t concecrated/q by principle/a. See <n42>.
Oral Tradition: to leaven; to remain, be left alone; remainder, remnant; residue, the rest; relic; a relative, kinsman; meat, flesh; food, sustenance, nourishment.   Notaricon: to knead in/c the germ/a that will elevate/r; wisdom/c focuses/a the mind/r; to digest/assimilate/c grain/concepts/a from the mountaintop/r; the strength/c of human/a devotion/r.



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