Numerology Value 42: bm


Word Form: hububa   Value Definition: cleansing/m the body/b. See <g150>.
Reduction = 6/w/ourpouring.
Oral Tradition: boil; pustule; inflammation associated with boils, pimples, and other skin disorders.   Notaricon: eruptions/a from within/b body openings/u develop/b into a fountain/u that winnows/h; expanded/a awareness/b of the heart/u builds/b understanding/u and discernment/h.
Word Form: ynmda   Value Definition: the release/m of what's inside/b. See <g105>.
Reduction = 6/w/outpouring.
Oral Tradition: reddish; ruddy, red-faced, red-headed, rubicund, florid.   Notaricon: the force/a of emotional/d release/m displayed/n in actions/y.
Word Form: hyrwa   Value Definition: anointed/m soul/b. See <g222>.
Reduction = 6/w/uplifted.
Oral Tradition: Uriah, Urijah.   Notaricon: principle/a bonds/w with thought/r to bring/y enlightenment/h; the energy/a by which to weigh/evaluate/w knowledge/r for the acquisition/y of enlightenment/h; emanation/a that sustains/w the mental/r gift/y of discrimination/h.
Word Form: ycya   Value Definition: chosen/m vessel/b. See <g321>.
Reduction = 6/w/funnel.
Oral Tradition: Jesse; personal, private; my/y man/husband/cya.   Notaricon: emanation/a that brngs/y wisdom/c to action/y; principle/a activated/y by Wisdom/c is manifested/y; seed/a sown/y by Wisdom's/c hand/y; confidental/a act/y suppressed/c or withheld /y.
Word Form: alula   Value Definition: the people/m hear/b. See <g132>.
Reduction = 6/w/the outpouring.
Oral Tradition: Elealeh; God/la of height/alu.   Notaricon: the Life Force/Principle/a prompts/l understanding/u with the rod/l of power/a.
Word Form: xyma   Value Definition: chosen/m vessel/b. See <g141>.
Reduction = 6/w/funnel.
Oral Tradition: courageous; bold, valiant; firm, strong.   Notaricon: power/a to liberate/m by achieving/y victory/x; a person/a chosen/m for actions/y resulting in transformation/x.
Word Form: yxma   Value Definition: wild/m awareness/b. See <g141>.
Reduction = 6/w/unity.
Oral Tradition: Amzi.   Notaricon: power/a reflected/m in aggressive/x activities/y; a person/a in reckless/m pursuit/x of action/y.
Word Form: cwna    Value Definition: multitudes/m in development/b. See <g357>.
Reduction = 6/w/the womb.
Oral Tradition: Enos; man, human being, mankind; severe, serious; mortal; personification.   Notaricon: the life force/a hidden/n in bonds/w of wisdom/c; a unity/a of diverse potentialities/n united/w by Spirit/c; the seed/a of the Son of Man/n as an outpouring/w of the angelic fires/c.
Word Form: hnjna   Value Definition: uncategorical/m agreement/b. See <g114>.
Reduction = 6/w/funnel.
Oral Tradition: we.   Notaricon: to identify/a a prominent/n relationship/j with an exchange/n of self-awareness/a.
Word Form: htna   Value Definition: unfettered/m awareness/b. See <g456>.
Reduction = 6/w/nailed.
Oral Tradition: you; thou; as for thee.   Notaricon: to focus/a on a son of man/n with precise/t discernment/h; person/a prominently/n marked/t by a spotlight/h.
Word Form: rwsa   Value Definition: invokes/m recoil/b. See <g267>.
Reduction = 6/w/fastener.
Oral Tradition: forbidden; prohibited, banned; fettered, chained, imprisoned; ban, prohibition, embargo, injunction; fetters, chains, shackles, bonds.   Notaricon: restrictions/a enforced/s and/w monitored/r; locking/a arrangement/s attached/w by a ruler/r.
Word Form: llpa   Value Definition: the burden/m of inertia/b. See <g141>.
Reduction = 6/w/fixation.
Oral Tradition: Ephlal; to darken, dim; to be darkened, dimmed.   Notaricon: limits/a a soul's/p role/l and influence/l; collapse/a consumes/p and discourages/l maturation/l; restrictions/a that disallow/p or inhibit/l guidance/l.
Word Form: hqpa   Value Definition: burdensome/m awreness/b. See <g186>.
Reduction = 6/w/limbo.
Oral Tradition: Aphekah; self-restraint.   Notaricon: to restrict/a self-espression/p by masking/q discernment/h; to view/a expression/p as a threat/q to life/h.
Word Form: ykra   Value Definition: unrestricted/m awreness/b. See <g231>.
Reduction = 6/w/hovering.
Oral Tradition: Archi; Archite.   Notaricon: an individual/a who rises above/r disorder/k via action/y; a focused/a mind/r that simplifies/k and performs/y.
Word Form: dpra    Value Definition: free/m to develop/b. See <g285>.
Reduction = 6/w/yearning.
Oral Tradition: Arpad, Arphad; I shall be/a comforted/at my leisure/rpd.   Notaricon: a focused/a mind/r open/p to opportunity/d.
Word Form: cra   Value Definition: an anointed/m house/b. See <g501>.
Reduction = 6/w/union.
Oral Tradition: betroth; espouse; engaged to be married.   Notaricon: to humble/a the mind/r in wisdom/c.
Word Form: rca   Value Definition: a free/m house/b. See <g501>.
Reduction = 6/w/attached.
Oral Tradition: Asher, Asshur; to verify, confirm; to endorse, sanction, approve; to testify, acknowledge; to certify; to praise; to make happy; to walk, lead, be led; happiness, bliss; blessing; who, which, that; as to, regarding; in order that.   Notaricon: the emanation/a of wisdom/c rules/r; concepts/a utilized/c with mastery/r; to be inspired/a by a wise/c leader/r.
Word Form: hnta   Value Definition: to fill/m the house/b. See <g456>.
Reduction = 6/w/outpouring.
Oral Tradition: present; gift, reward; harlot's pay; you.   Notaricon: to focus/a fixedly/t on a son of man/n with discernment/h; person/a marked/t prominently/n in the spotlight/h; to bind/settle upon/a a measurement/t as exchange/n or gift/h.
Word Form: huqb    Value Definition: freedom/m to formulate/b. See <g177>.
Reduction = 6/w/chalice.
Oral Tradition: valley; plain, glen, vale, basin.   Notaricon: an interior/b domain/q with full discernment/u of that which is differentiated/h; a habitat/b with secluded/q wellsprings/u of life/h; a dwelling/b protected/q by transparency/u and light/h.
Word Form: pwq   Value Definition: the flow/m of consciousness/b. See <g186>.
Reduction = 6/w/link.
Oral Tradition: ape; monkey; hole; eye of a needle; the nineteenth letter of the Hebrew alefbet.   Notaricon: the back of the head/q disallows/w facial features/p; a drill/q and/w an opening/p.
Word Form: car   Value Definition: the anointed/m house/b. See <g501>.
Reduction = 6/w/upheld.
Oral Tradition: Rosh; the head; chief, captain, leader, principal; crest, summit, top; first, beginning, start; tributary; capital; part, division, section; company; vertex; main, foremost; poison, hemlock.   Notaricon: Notaricon: authority/r power/a strength/c; to rule/r by principles/a of wisdom/c; an impoverishing/r mote/a that destroys/c.
Word Form: rac   Value Definition: an anointed/m house/b. See <g501>.
Reduction = 6/w/to suffuse.
Oral Tradition: to leaven; to remain, be left alone; remainder, remnant; residue, the rest; relic; a relative, kinsman; meat, flesh; food, sustenance, nourishment.   Notaricon: to knead in/c the germ/a that will elevate/r; wisdom/c focuses/a the mind/r; to digest/assimilate/c grain/concepts/a from the mountaintop/r; the strength/c of human/a devotion/r.
Word Form: hnbc   Value Definition: anointed/m child/b. See <g357>.
Reduction = 6/w/the womb.
Oral Tradition: Shebnah; Shebna, growth.   Notaricon: wisdom/c develops/b potential/n via enlightenment/h.



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