Gematria 285: hpr


Word Form: yurda    Value Definition: a ruler/r of the expressions/p of enlightenment/h. See <n51>.
Oral Tradition: Edrei; arm, foreleg; my/y force/urda; mist/da in the pasture/yur.   Notaricon: perception/a is the gateway/d for intellectual/r understanding/u of actions/y; the force/a path/d from the shoulder/r to the balled/u fist/y; the powerful/a emotions/d that rule/r compassionate/u acts/y.
Word Form: dpra    Value Definition: a mind/r open/p to enlightenment/h. See <n42>.
Oral Tradition: Arpad, Arphad; I shall be/a comforted/at my leisure/rpd.   Notaricon: a focused/a mind/r open/p to opportunity/d.



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[3 - 300] [301 - 600] [601 - 900] [901 - 1200] [1201 - 1500] [1501 - 1800]

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