

Gematria and Numerology 8

agreement, consensus; accord; commitment; affinity, mutuality, empathy, harmony
to correspond; equality; equanimity; reciprocation
to honor, appreciate, celebrate; gladness, joy, elation, enthusiasm; hope, aspiration
alliance; accessory; competition, strife, discord; to plot, conspire, betray

work, labor, effort, service; vocation, assignment, job
to trade, exchange; to buy, purchase, amass
relationships; friendship, brotherhood; betrothal, engagement; to marry, wed

chest; vesture, mantle, apron; coat, cloak, robe, clothing
stretched, lengthened, elongated, broadened; scope, range, mass, extent
hips, limbs; to stand, stretch

weaving; warp, woof; fabric, cloth, net
scroll, book; context, situation
mutuality; to match, correspond; to extend; liaisons; interrelated

to aid
to abet; care, help, assistance, succor
to empathize, share, cooperate, coordinate; to exchange

means to reach new plateaus; to ascend; to climb, elevate, mount
to reconsider, repent, reform, change; to enhance, improve, better
to descend; to collapse; to weaken, deteriorate; to denigrate

borders; framework, fence, obstruction, obstacle
perspective, outlook; to sight, glimpse, imagine
distanced; vague, approximate, arbitrary, capricious
depression, fatigue, anxiety, fear, angst
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