נ ן


Gematria 50

Numerology 14 > 5

potential, possibility, prospects, promise; plausibility
surprising, unexpected; optional, arbitrary; nuanced, multifaceted, multidirectional
instability; to rock, sway; vacillation, caution; to waver; undependable, unreliable; flippant
scope, weight, extent
to tuck, tumble, jump; catapult, sling

to restrict, limit, confound; to negate, neutralize, undo; to backtrack, backslide; denial
to decline, subside; loss, impoverishment; discomfort, prostration, devastation
failure, defeat; to fold; to inhibit; to undermine, topple; to stone

to fall, collapse; to sit, recline; to yawn, sleep, snore
to deplete; to degenerate; indulgence; to withdraw; to suck, filter, leach
to suffer, endure, persevere

augmentation; to take in, recognize; to gain, exchange
determination; to investigate, assess; to try, attempt
to vow, swear; interior application/action
the Sons of Man symbol: an enlightened man, woman, person

to sprout
to spread, proliferate, extend, project; proclivity
to result, happen, unfold; eventuality; to actualize; operative
suggestive; sudden, unexpected, unforeseen
ritual; purpose; method, routine; device; configuration

to glisten
spectacular; vigorous; to shine, flourish; fecundity, fertility; desire, need
to discover, display, reveal, demonstrate, enact
prominence, endurance; jubilee

to swim; to slither, sneak; scaled species; lizard, frog
to nibble, gnaw, annoy, nag, discomfit

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