צ ץ


Gematria 90

Numerology 18 > 9

repentance; sacrifice; adjudication, rectification
metamorphosis, transfiguration; accomplishment, enactment; success

innocent, just, upright; perfect; accurate, right, true; honorable, saintly
respect, reverence, fear, piety
the remnant

to dance
to leap, jump, turn, rotate, spin, revolve, skip; fishhook
to triumph, overcome; delight; victory
the lifted leg; imbalance; lateral, adjacent; to expose, allude, invoke
to walk, run, march, issue forth
to diverge, evade; suppression; to challenge, oppose, defy

to hunt
to chase, pursue, follow; to engage; to flee; flight, escape
to attempt, try, experiment

sects, orders; governments, organizations; officialdom; to salute
insects, swarms; armies; military
battle; to attack, be aggressive; to devastate, conquer

to discourage
to ward off, deflect; to defend, exorcise, eradicate; to acquit; to be afraid
to subvert, sabotage; to topple, overturn; to discomfit; to wander, stray



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