מ ם


Gematria 40

Numerology 13 > 4

to free, prepare; to rescue, release, liberate; to circumvent; libertine
to undo; to unlock, unleash, move
relaxed, unrestricted, unfettered, unbound, undefined; nebulous, haphazard
unspecific, general, generic; continuous, on-going, unabated
impetuous, spontaneous; to drift, wander; disorderly, superficial
wilderness; extent, scope, length, width; derivation
the prepositions from, since, of; the adverb more than

discomfort; to befuddle, confuse; to forget; disorientation, uncertainty; duress
to trouble, accuse; to demean; to uproot, destabilize; to ambush
noise, clamor; rumble, roar; uproar; to be wild, reckless; frivolity, indulgence
uninhibited, undisciplined, unruly, rude; undue, unwarranted; unqualified

to exit; to run, flee, depart; to be lost, disoriented
to loosen, divorce; to eliminate, dismiss; to quit, cease, stop
to draw out, empty; debt; to owe, lose; to disburse, pay, remunerate

water; tides, waves, currents, ripples; to pour, fill, irrigate; deluge, flood
to bathe, wash, soak; to cool, soothe, relieve
to flow; to be swift, soft, supple; cleansing, refreshing, easing; ameliorative
semen, issue; oil; wine, libation; tears
venom; poison; spit, mucous; pus, bile, vomit

to mirror
to reflect, ape, mimic; memory; to return, answer, respond; accordingly
to allude, invoke, suggest; to petition
message, counsel, advice; information; allegory, parable; wisdom's attributes

others; peer groups, members, participants; multitudes; nations; multiplication
to be chosen, destined, anointed; favoritism, preference, privilege
lustfulness; harlotry, whoredom

the thigh
the loins, bowels
to crawl, creep, scurry; scorpion; snake; to coil

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