In the beginning was the Word, the spiritual
Pattern underlying all things; and the Word was with God, and the
Word was God;
For the Pattern of Creation was within God,
from the beginning.
All things were made by the Word; for
without the Pattern within God, not anything was made that is made.
4 In the Word was Life,
and the Life of God is the Light
within man;
5 And the Light shines
in the darkness, and the darkness doesn’t encompass it.
6 There was a man sent
from God whose name was Yahuchanan
nnjwhy, a man who warranted
w the esteem
nnj of our Father
hy, who gives
y us Life
7 Yahuchanan came to
bear witness of the Light of God: that all men, through him, might
8 As a natural man,
Yahuchanan was not the Light; but positioned
within the Light, he came
to testify of that which had been revealed to him
by the Light:
9 By the
true Light, which
enlightens everyone that comes into the world.
10 The Light was in the
world, which was made by him; but the world didn’t perceive his
11 He came unto his own,
and his own did not acknowledge him;
12 But to as many as
did receive him, to them
he gave the right to become Sons of God: even to those who, though
yet imperfect, believed on his Name.
13 HaShem’s children are
not born by virtue of natural lineage; nor do they develop as a
result of the mastery of physical drives or through the perfection
of religious observances; nor are they born by aspirations of the
human spirit. They are born by the will of HaShem
hwhy at the behest of HaShem.
14 As ImmanuAL
the Word was imprinted within our physical bodies; and it dwells
within and among us in accordance with the operations of the Logos,
the divine Pattern. Although we haven’t fully understood, we know of
the glory of ImmanuAL
because of the presence, within our hearts, of the Father’s
projected Word: his only-begotten “Son,’ the complete
expression of God’s Spirit, full of grace and truth.
gave his testimony concerning Immanual
when he cried out, saying, “This is he of whom I spoke, saying that
he must succeed me; for he is preferred above me, in that he exists
before me;
For we’ve all received of Immanual’s
fullness, experiencing grace upon grace within our lives.
The holy Torah
hrwt came through the prophet Moshe
hcm, who is the reflection of HaShem
mch, the
h holy Name
mc; but Torah’s grace and truth come by Mashiyach Yahushua
owcwhy: by the Shout
owc of
w Yah
hy—that is, by the Word, by the Projection—by the “Son”—of
the heavenly Father.
18 No man has seen God
at any time; for, from the beginning, his Projection remains rooted
and cherished within the bosom of Father
hy, even as the Father’s substance was invested within the
enunciation of his Word.
By his only Shout— by his only-begotten “Son”—the aura of
invisible Father
hy was projected into material realms, permeating all that is
and imprinting the Father’s signature upon and within all things,
favoring Earth with God’s majesty, and blessing all that live with
the unspeakable gift of Life.
And this is the record of Yahuchanan, when men of Yehudah sent
priests and Levites from Yerushaliem
mylcwry to ask him who he might be;
for they wondered whether he was claiming to be the messiah, the
anointed of HaShem.
Giving answer, Yahuchanan confessed his fallibility and did not deny
his humanity; for he testified that he was not HaMashiyach, the
And so they asked of him, “What, then!?
Are you Eliyahu
whyla God’s
la gift
y of
h?” He answered them, “I am not.”
They pressed him further, “Are
you that prophet?” He said, “No.”
Then they asked him, “Who are you, then? We must give answer to the
people who sent us to question you; for they are anxious as to whom
you might be. What do you say for yourself?”
He proclaimed to them, “I am the voice of one crying in the
wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of
hwhy,’ as written by Y’shaYah
hyocy, the prophet saved
ocy by
And those who were sent to Yahuchanan were from the Separatists.
And they asked him, “Why do you baptize, then? if you are not the
messiah, nor the prophet Elijah
neither that prophet?”
answered them, saying, “I baptize with water, but there is one
standing among you who you do not know.
“It is he who,
coming after me, is preferred before me, whose shoelaces I am
unworthy to loosen, that I might wash
his feet.”
These things
happened at the placewhere Yahuchanan was baptizing, near
hrbo-tyb, house of the ferry boat,
which is a way station for those in transition. It sits just beyond
the banks of Yardan
ndry, the river of souls.
The next day,
Yahuchanan saw Y’shua approaching him; and he cried, “Behold the
Lamb of HaShem, which will eliminate the errors of the world!
“This is he of whom I spoke, saying, ‘After me comes a man who is
preferred above me; for he was before me.
“And I didn’t know who he might be, but I knew that he was soon to
be made known to Y’sharAL,
which is the reason I came, baptizing with water.”
And Yahuchanan gave witness, saying, “I saw the Spirit of Holiness
descending from heaven like a dove, and it rested upon him.
“I didn’t know who the chosen one of HaShem might be; but he that
sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘Upon him whom you shall
see Ruach HaQodesh descending and remaining, it is he who will
baptize with the Holy Breath.’
“And I beheld his spiritual immersion; therefore I testify, for the
record, that this
man is a Son of HaShem.”
The following day, Yahuchanan stood with two of his disciples;
And, looking upon Y’shua as he walked by, he proclaimed, “Behold the
Lamb of
And the two
disciples harkened to what Yahuchanan said to them, and they
followed Y’shua.
Then Y’shua
turned and saw them following; and he greeted them, asking, “What do
you want?”And they said unto him, “Rebbe, where do you live?”
He welcomed them, saying, “Come and see.” Y’shua was staying in
Galil, a region whose name is understood to mean “the Circle”; for
it is understood that the sequencing of events in one’s life, is
circular, but not repetitive. In Galil, pilgrims encounter those
things for which their deeds have prepared them. The circle’s name
is also written as Galilah
hlylg; for to walk with knowledge
of its nature opens a pathway
g that can lead
l to successful performance
y of one’s role
l in life
h. More commonly written as
lylg, the circle of Galil is
understood to be a birthing process
g that requires
l humility
y and forbearance
l. The men discussed these things
as they walked; and when they came to the place where Y’shua was
staying, he invited
them to stay with him that day; for it was about four o’clock in the
One of the two who had believed Yahuchanan’s witness and
subsequently followed after Y’shua was Andrew
wrda, meaning “honorable.” Andrew
was a brother of Shimon Kepa
apq nwomc, interpreted as one who
has “hearing difficulty, but has promise.”
Before the day was done, Andrew
found his brother Shimon and
vouched for Y’shua, telling him, “We have found the
mashiyach, the rebbe who is the measurement of King HaMashiyach.”
Before dark, Andrew presented Shimon to the man teaching in the name
ocwhy, which is interpreted as “Yah
Saves.” When he first met Andrew’s brother, Y’shua welcomed him,
saying, “Shimon bar Yonah
hnwy rb nwomc: you have the
effervescence of fine wine. You shall be called Kepa
apq: for you are capable of
The following day, Y’shua wanted to go into Nazareth
trzn, a city of Galil in which he
had been raised. Many of its people took vows upon themselves and
followed practices intended to enhance
n their prospects
z for spiritual mastery
r and renewal
On the way there, Y’shua recruited
palp, who would become an effective
alp advocate
Philip was of Beit-Tsaidah
hdyx-tyb, the community of
fishermen that was the city of both Andrew and brother Kepa, who was
later called Petros, “the rock.” And Y’shua said to Philip, “Follow
Philip found Natanal
whose name means ”gift of God;” and he said to him, “We have found
the man of whom Moshe wrote in Torah, and of whom the prophets
testify: Rebbe Y’shua, a son of that Yosef who is in charge of the
watch tower in Natzaret.
And Natanal
said to him, “Can any good thing come out of Natzaret?” Smiling,
Philip answered, “Come and see.”
And when Y’shua saw Natanal
approaching, he engaged him, saying, “Behold! Here comes a genuine
son of Y’sharAL—of
the “God wrestlers;” for in him there is no guile!”
And Natanal
challenged him, “How do you know me?” Ignoring his skepticism,
Y’shua replied, “I knew you before Philip called you as you stood
under the fig tree, which is a tree that can produce a double
harvest of its fruit.”
Astonished, Natanal
admired the man Y’shua, proclaiming excitedly, “You are a Son of
Hashem! You are the
King of Y’sharAL!”
Loving him, Y’shua
chided, “Is it because I said to you that I saw you under the fig
tree, that you believe? You will see greater things than these.”
He continued, “Truly! I truly say to you that, hereafter, you
will see heaven open and angels of
hwhy ascending and descending on
the Sons of Man.