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Yahuchanan Twenty-One
After these things, Y’shua showed himself
again to the disciples near Tiberias at Lake Kinneret, which is
shaped like a lyre; and in this manner he presented himself:
Gathered together in Galil were Shimon Kepa
and Toma Didymus, with Natanal of Qanah, the sons of
Zavdai, and two other disciples.
Understanding, now, what was happening, the
disciple whom Y’shua loved said to Petros, “It’s the rebbe.” When
Shimon Kepa realized that it was Y’shua, he fastened his fisherman’s
coat about him, because he was naked; and he jumped into the water.
The fishermen were not far from land—
perhaps two-hundred
r cubits: that is to say, the land was in
r. The rest of the disciples approached in another small boat
and helped them drag the net holding so many fish to the shore.
Shimon Kepa went back to the boat and drew
the net full of large fish to land. The catch numbered
q and fifty
n and three
g fish. And even though there
were so many, the net was
not broken. The number of fish is interpreted to mean that
the Kingdom
of the Sons of Man
n is in a transitional birthing process
Y’shua invited them, “Come, and eat.” None
of the disciples dared ask who he was, although they knew it was the
rebbe. 13 Then, Y’shua came and, taking bread, he gave it to them; and the fish, also. 14 This was, now,
the third time that Y’shua showed himself to his disciples after he
had risen from the dead.
When they had eaten, Y’shua said to Shimon
Petros, “Shimon, son of Yonah, do you love me more than these fish?”
He answered, “Yea, Rebbe: you know I love you.” Y’shua instructed
him, “Feed my lambs.”
He said to him a second time, “Shimon, son
of Yonah, do you love me?” Worried, now, Petros said again, “Yea,
Rebbe: you know that I
love you!” Yahushua entreated him, “Feed my sheep.”
Y’shua answered, “If my will is that he
tarry till I come again, what is that to you!? Be certain
you follow me.”
Then, the saying arose among the brethren,
that the disciple whom Y’shua loved would not die; but Y’shua didn’t
say to Shimon Kepa that the disciple wouldn’t die. He said, “If I
will that he tarry till I come,
what is that to you?”