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Yahuchanan Twelve
1 On
his way to Yerushaliem, six days before Pesach, Y’shua returned from
Efrayim to Beit-Anyah, where Elazar had been raised from the dead.
He complained, “Why wasn’t this ointment
sold? It would have brought three hundred
pence, which could have been utilized
c to feed
c the poor
Yehudah said this, not out of care for the
poor, but because there was larceny in his heart. He carried the
purse containing the funds of the disciples. He was responsible for
its contents, and he had become jealous of how the funds were used.
Y’shua cut him short, saying, “Leave her
alone. She has performed this ritual against the day of my burial.
Many of the Yehudim knew that Y’shua was
staying with his friends in BeitAnyah; for a large number of people
had gathered around their house to catch a glimpse of Y’shua, and
also to look upon Elazar, the man Yahushua had raised from the dead.
Y’shua had become the main topic of
conversation among the Zionists, who now conspired with urgency,
seeking justification for putting not only Y’shua to death, but
Elazar, also.
On the day after the supper in BeitAnyah, a multitude was gathering
in Yerushaliem for Pesach; and it was widely rumored that Y’shua
would soon make an appearance at the feast;
13 In anticipation of his arrival, people gathered branches of palm
trees, with which to salute him; and, expectantly, they lined the
main street to the temple. Waiting for Y’shua, him to appear, they
began to sing out praises, shouting, “Hosanna! Blessed is the King
of Y’sharAL,
who comes in the Name of HaShem!”
“Fear not, daughter of Tsion
Behold! Your king comes, sitting on a donkey’s colt.”
His disciples didn’t understand the import
of these things as they were happening; but after Y’shua had been
glorified, they remembered many prophecies concerning the mashiyach
that were relevent to their walk with Y’shua, and that the people
had done such things as this in his honor.
Witnesses that had been with Y’shua when he
called Elazar out of the grave, raising him from the dead, shared
their accounts of what had been done at BeitAnyah, by word of mouth;
and their reports concerning that event spread
widely among the people, raising much excitement.
Filled with wonder at this great sign, the
celebrants lining the main street to the temple warmly welcomed
Y’shua as he passed before them.
Among the Yehudim, there were certain
Grecians who had come to Yerushaliem to worship at the feast.
Philip was in charge of logistics, and he
was busily running about, here and there, doing his job. When the
Grecians caught up with him, they asked whether they might see
Y’shua; for they fervently desired to meet the rebbe. Making inquiry
of Philip, therefore, they cornered him, impressing upon him their
urgency, saying, “Sir,
we would meet Y’shua.”
Yahushua answered them, saying, “The hour is
come that the Son of Man will be glorified.
“Truly: I truly say unto you that except a
grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it will remain by
itself, in impotence. But if it dies, it will multiply, bringing
forth much fruit.
Some of those who stood by heard the voice
and said that it had thundered. Others believed that an angel had
spoken to him.
Addressing the confusion, Y’shua said, “This
voice came not because of me, but for your sakes.
“The time has come for the judgment of this age: the prince of this
world will be cast out of the Kingdom of Names!
Among those who hungered after the truth of what is written, one
asked of him, “Torah teaches that the King, HaMashiyach, lives
forever; and you say that the Son of Man must be honored? Who
is this Son of Man!?”
But although he had shown so many signs, many didn’t believe on him,
as yet:
39The vast
majority simply weren’t able
to believe, which is the reason Y’shaYahu also prophesied, 40“He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts; so that they should not perceive with their eyes, nor understand with their hearts and be converted, so that I could heal them.” 41 These words were uttered by the prophet when he foresaw the glory of Y’shua; and he ma de record of his vision.
Among the chief rulers, there were many who
secretly believed on him; but because of the Zionists, they couldn’t
confess him, for fear of being expelled from the shuls;
For they loved the praise of men more than
the praise of HaShem.
44 Y’shua cried out to such as these, “He that believes on me believes not on me, but on him that sent me. 45 “And he that
truly sees me also see him who sent me.
“I am sent unto the world, positioned as the
Light of HaShem, so that those who believe me should no longer be
captive to darkness.
“And if any man hears my words and cannot
believe, I don’t judge him; for I came not to judge the world, but
to save it from itself.
“He that rejects me because he cannot
receive my words has one that judges him: the teachings I have
delivered, their words will testify against him in the last day;
“For I have not spoken of myself. The
Father, who sent me, it is he who gave me commandment of what I
should say concerning those things about which I speak. 50 “And I know that the Father’s commandment is that the Sons of Man shall inherit everlasting Life. All things that I have taught you were given to me by the Father, and I speak unto you the words Father hy has spoken unto me.”