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Yahuchanan Ten
1 “Truly, truly, I say to you: he who doesn’t enter into the sheepfold by the door, but gains access some other way, is a thief and a robber; 2 “But he who does enter by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. 3
“To him, the warden opens; and the sheep recognize his voice; and he
calls his sheep by their names, and he leads them out. 4 “And as he is leading his sheep to pasture, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. 5 They will not follow a stranger, but will flee from him, because they don’t recognize the voice of strangers.” 6
Y’shua shared this parable with them, but they didn’t understand the
implications. They understood only that he was talking to them about
sheep and their shepherd. 7 Yahushua therefore clarified the teaching, saying, “Truly! Truly I say to you that I am the Door through which the sheep must pass. 8 “All who ever came before me were thieves and robbers, and the sheep did not recognize them. 9 “I am the Door. If any man enter in by me, he will be saved; and he shall go in and out, finding pasture. 10
“Thieves come for no other purpose, but to steal, to kill, and to
destroy. I have come that they might have
Life, and that they might
have greater abundance in
their spiritual lives. 11 “I am the good shepherd, and the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep; 12 “But he who works for wages is
not the shepherd. The sheep are not
his; and when he sees the wolf coming, he leaves the sheep and
flees, allowing the wolf to take its prey and scatter the flock.
13 “The hireling runs because he works for money, not for the sheep! He doesn’t care about the sheep! 14 “I’m the good shepherd! I know my sheep, and I am known by them: 15
“As the Father knows me,
even so I know the Father;
and I lay down my Life on behalf of the sheep.
“And I have other sheep, which are not of
this fold: them, also, I
must bring. And all I bring with me shall hear my voice; and there
will be one fold, and one shepherd.
“For this reason my Father loves me: because
I lay down my Life, that I might take it up again.
takes life from me; I lay it down of my own free will. I have the
power to lay it down, and
I have power to take it up
again! I have received this injunction from my Father.”
These sayings brought yet more division
among the Yehudim!
After this, Chanukkah
hknj drew near, the winter feast for consecration.
“My sheep hear my voice. I
know them, and they follow
“I give them everlasting Life; and they
shall never perish,
neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
I and my Father are
A second time, the Yehudim took up
stones with which to stone Y’shua,
“If he called them elohim, unto whom the Word of HaShem came (and
the scripture cannot be broken),
For this saying they would have arrested
Y’shua; but, again, he escaped out of their hand
And went away again, taking refuge beyond
Yardan at Beit-Abarah, the ferry house near the place by which
Yahuchanan had first baptized; and there he remained there, stayed;
And, there, he taught; and many reached
congruence with his teachings, there, saying that the prophet
Yahuchanan may not have performed miracles, but that everything he
had said concerning this
man was true.