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Yahuchanan Five
After these things, there was a feast of the
Yehudim; and Y’shua went up to Yerushaliem.
2 Now, by the temple’s sheepgate, there’s a pool that has five colonnades. Its name is Beit-Chesed Dsj-tYB in Hebrew, which can be interpreted as “house tYB of Kindness Dsj,” for it’s a place tYB offering empathy j and support s for those who are in pain d. 3 Upon its porches were many invalids: the blind, the lame, the paralyzed. In competition with each other, all these waited, expectantly, for a rippling upon the pool’s surface, 4
Because an angel went down into the water, from time to time,
disturbing the pool’s calm; and whoever managed to get into the
water first, after the surface was troubled, was made whole, no
matter what the ailment might have been. 5 A certain man was there who had suffered a sickness for thirty-eight jl years. 6 When Y’shua saw him lying close to the pool, he understood that
the man had long been ill because his misdirected
l loyalties
were affecting
l his relationships with others
and these attachments had distorted
l his outlook
l hope
j and denying
l him
any joy
j. Yahushua
admired the man’s patience and his faith, misplaced though they now
were and for so long had been; so Y’shua asked the man, “Do you want
to be made whole?”
The sick man explained, “Sir, I have nobody
to help me into the pool when the water shakes; and while I am
making my way there, another steps into the water before me.” 8 Yahushua said to him, “Arise. Take up your bed, and walk!” 9
Immediately, the man was healed; so he gathered up his bedding and
walked. This happened on the day of Shabbos.
10 Then the Yehudim said to the man who was cured, “It’s Shabbos! It isn’t lawful for you to carry your bed!” 11
Incredulous, he answered them, “He answered their assault, saying
only, “He that made me whole said to me, ‘Take up your bed, and
Then they asked him, “What man is that, who
told you to take up your bed and walk?” 13 The man that was healed replied, “I don’t know who it was.” Y’shua was no longer in the vicinity, because the place had become very crowded due to the excitement raised by the man’s restoration. 14
Shortly after leaving Beit-Chesed, Y’shua went into the temple and
ran into the man that was healed; so he saluted him, saying, “Look!
You’ve been made whole! Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon
The man left the rebbe standing there,
unanswered, and he reported to the Yehudim that it was Y’shua who
had made him whole.
Thus, because their traditions were
threatened, the Yehudim persecuted Y’shua and nursed their intent to
kill him, because he had done these things on Shabbos, defiling the
day. 17 But Y’shua answered the accusation for all to hear, saying, “My Father works until now, and so I also work.” 18
This offended the Yehudim even more; and they began to devise some
way to kill him that would not bring blood guilt upon themselves.
Not only did this rebbe break the Shabbos, according to tradition,
he had now also claimed that HaShem was his Father, making himself
HaShem’s equal.
To the latter contention Yahushua had
already given answer, in the teaching Y’shua had shared with the
twelve: “Truly, truly I tell you that the Reflection of HaShem could
do nothing of himself; and so it is with HaShem’s Projection: he
does only those things he sees the Father doing; for whatever the
Father does, his Projection also does.
20“The heavenly
Father loves the Son of Man and shows him everything that he does by
means of his Projection into the material realm. Suffusing both
heart and mind, HaShem will show the Son of
Man greater works than these, that you may marvel.
“For as the heavenly Father raises up the
dead and restores them to Life, once again, even so the Son, which
is the Father’s Projection, enlivens whomever he will.
“For the Father judges no man, but has
committed all judgment to the Sons of Man: 23 “To the end that all will honor HaShem’s Ruach HaQodesh, which is enthroned within their hearts, even as they honor the heavenly Father. He who fails to honor the Son cannot honor the Father, who projects him. 24 “Truly, truly I tell you: he that hears what I say and believes on him that projects me has everlasting Life and shall not come into condemnation; for he has passed from death unto Life. 25
“I tell you, truly, that the hour is coming, and is already upon us,
when the dead shall hear the voice of the Projection of Father
hy; and they that hear shall live.
“For as the Father has Life in himself, so
also has he given the Son to have Life in himself.
27 “The Father has given the Son authority to execute judgment, also; for because of his positioning within mortal hearts, the Father, by means of his Projection, lives and dies with the children of mankind, savoring every moment. 28 “Don’t marvel about this; for the hour is coming in which all that are in the grave will hear the Son’s voice and 29 “Shall come forth: they that have served good, to the resurrection of Life; and they that have served wickedness, to the resurrection of condemnation. 30 “Of my own self, I can do nothing. As I hear, I make determination; and my judgments are just because I don’t seek my own will, but the will of Father hy, who projects me into the material realm. 31
“If I bear witness of myself, my witness is unreliable;
32 “But there is another that testifies of me, and I know that those things he reports of me are true: 33 “You sent unto Yahuchanan, the man greatly favored by HaShem; and he declared his witness to the truth. 34 “I don’t teach these things for recognition. I tell you these things, so that you might be saved. 35 “Yahuchanan was a man whose spirit was ablaze. He had become a shining lamp, and you were willing to rejoice in his light for a season. 36 “But I have even a greater witness than that of Yahuchanan; for the works that the Father has given me to finish— the same works that I do—bear witness of me, that I am the Father’s Projection. 37
“And more: the Father that sends me bears witness of me, himself.
You haven’t heard his voice at any time, nor have you seen his
“And, as yet, you have no awareness of the eternal Logos—his Word,
the Presence that abides within you and of which you are comprised.
The evidence of your shortcomings is the simple fact that you can
not believe the teachings of him who the Father has sent.
39 “Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have eternal Life, and these are they that testify of me! 40
“And you won’t come to me, that you might have Life.
“I don’t seek recognition or honor from men;
42 “But I know you, that you don’t have the love of HaShem within you. 43 “I have come to you, positioned as Yahushua, and you do not receive me. If another shall come, positioned as himself, him you will receive. 44 “How can you believe, which receive honor one of another and don’t seek the honor that comes only from HaShem? 45 “Don’t think that I make accusation against you to the Father. There is one that accuses you, however: even Moshe, in whom you trust; 46
“For had you believed Moshe, you would believe me; because he wrote
of me. 47
“But if you don’t believe what Moshe wrote, how can you believe my words!?”