Yahuchanan Eight
went unto the Mount of Olives, Har HaZeytim
mytzh-rh, praying there might be a breaking forth of Light and
for the strength to finish his service successfully.
To that end, early the next morning, he again came into
the temple, and the people in attendance there soon gathered tightly
around him; and Y’shua sat down among them, intending to resume his
teaching. 3
He had just begun, when the scribes and Separatists
interrupted his teachings by parading before those listening to him a
woman guilty of adultery, who they had taken into custody. They rudely
dragged her into the room, creating a disruptive spectacle. Then,
pulling against her arms, this way and that, they bullied her into the
center of the crowd and proceeded to accuse not her, as she was clearly
guilty. No! They brought accusation against Y’shua
through her, defying him to
give his judgment concerning her offense!
Then, using a salutation they knew would mortify
his disciples, they mocked him, saying,“Teacher! This ‘woman’ was taken
in adultery: she was caught in the very act!
5 Now, then:
Moshe, in the Torah, commands us that any guilty of this offense is to
be stoned. What do you say?”
6 They hoped he would answer carelessly, so that they would have
a clearcut reason to bring charges against him about a settled issue
that wouldn’t depend on some clever interpretation of “spiritual
matters!” Knowing their intent, Y’shua stooped down; and with his
finger, he scribbled on the ground, as though he wasn’t listening to
7 And presently, after
they had continued pressing him, Y’shua raised himself up; and when he
had stood, he pointedly answered them, “He that’s without sin among you,
let him be the one to cast the first stone at her!”
8 Then he stooped
back down and, again, resumed writing, using his finger to write on the
ground. 9 The silence that followed fell not on him, however, but upon
the accusers; for absorbing the import of his reply, those men became
convicted in their own minds by their own thoughts concerning such
matters. One by one, beginning with the most respected among them, and
ending with their most junior followers, they made their quiet escapes.
Presently, Y’shua and the woman were left standing alone, both of them
surrounded by the restless crowd.
10 When he had
lifted himself up, he could find none of those who had brought
accusation against the woman; neither was any left who had sought to
bring accusation against him. Y’shua and the woman faced the crowd,
together; so Y’shua asked her, “Woman, where are those who brought
accusation against you? Does no man condemn you?”
11 She said, “No man,
rebbe.” And Yahushua said to her, “Neither do I condemn you. Go, and sin
no more.”
Then, Y’shua turned to those that remained,
saying, “I am the Light of the world! He that follows in my steps will
not walk in darkness; for he has joined the company of those who are
truly alive!”
13 The few
Separatists remaining stubbornly complained, growling at him, “You bear
record of yourself. Your record is not reliable!”
14 Engaging them,
Y’shua answered, “Although I bear record of myself, my testimony is
true. I know where I come
from, which is where I will return. You are unable to discern my origin
and my destination.
“You judge according to appearances—by those
things that seem obvious to you; for you are captives of common sense. I
judge no man; 16 “But, if
I must judge, my judgment will
be true because I am not alone. We stand before you in the Father, who
sent us. 17 “It is also
written in your Torah, that the testimony of two men is reliable.
18 Well, I am one
who bears witness of himself; and our Father
hy, who sent me: he also bears witness with me.”
19 They berated him, “Where is this ‘Father’ of whom you speak?”
Yahushua answered, “You neither know me, nor my Father; for had you
known me, you would have known my Father, also.”
20 Y’shua spoke
these words in the treasury as he taught in the temple, and no man
withstood him; for his hour hadn’t come.
21 Then Yahushua
continued, “I go my way; and you shall seek me, but you will die in your
sins. Where I go, you cannot come.”
The Yehudim asked themselves, “Do you think he might kill
himself, in that he says, ‘Where I go, you cannot come’?”
23 And Yahushua challenged them, “You are from beneath. I’m from
above. You are of this world. I am not of this world.
24 “Because you’re
of the Earth, I told you that you will die in your sins; for if you do
not believe that
you will die in your sins.”
25 Then they said to him, “Who, then, are you?” And Y’shua answered,
“Even what I said to you from the beginning.
26 “I have many things to say
to you, and there is much to be determined concerning you; but he that
sent me is true; and I speak to the world those things that I have
received of him." 27 They
didn’t understand that he spoke to them of Father
hy. 28 Then Yahushua continued the teaching: “When you’ve lifted up the
Son of Man, you shall know that
and that I do nothing of myself. In the same moment the Father teaches
me, I share that instruction with you.
29 “He that sent
me is with me, even now! Father
hy hasn’t left me alone; because I always do those things that
please him.”
30As he spoke these words, many believed on him;
And Y’shua encouraged them, saying, “If you live
in my teachings, walking in them, you are, indeed, my disciples.
32 “And you will know the truth, and the truth shall make you
free.” 33 Some scoffed,
hoping to draw out of him the kind of slogan a rebel might use, so they
could use it against him and thus justify the plans of the ruling class.
They gloated, “We are Avraham’s seed, never enslaved by
any man. How is it you say
that we shall be made free?”
34 Y’shua parried the
tacit accusation, saying, “Truly, I say to you, truly, that whoever
commits error is the slave of error.
35 “However, the
servant doesn’t abide in the house forever; it’s the Son that abides
forever in the Father’s house;
36 “And if, within
you, the Son shall make you free, you will be
truly free.
37 “I
know that you’re Avraham’s seed; but you seek to kill me because my
word has no place in you.
38 “I speak that which I have
seen with my Father, and you
do that which you have seen with
your father.” 39
Angry now, they shouted, “Avraham
is our father!” And Y’shua scolded them, “If you were Avraham’s
children, you would do the works
of Avraham.
40 “But now? You seek to
kill me, a man who has told you the truth, as I have received it of
HaShem. Avraham did no such thing as you are doing.
41 “You do the
deeds of your father.” Mad with exasperation, they protested, “We are
not born of fornication! We
have one Father, even HaShem!”
42 Yahushua countered
them, “If HaShem were your Father, you would love me; for I proceed
forth and come from HaShem. Nor do I come to you of my own initiative.
The Father sent me.
43 “How is it, then, that
you can’t understand what I’m saying to you? It’s because you cannot
receive my teachings.
44 “You are of
your father, the Accuser; and you
enable the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the
beginning! He doesn’t honor the truth, because there’s no truth
in him! When he gives voice to
a lie, he bears witness of himself; for he’s a
liar. This, your father, is
the father of lies!
45 “And because I
tell you the truth, you cannot
believe me.
46 “Which of you who accuses me can convict me of error? And if I
speak truth, why is it that you can’t believe me?
47 “He that is of
HaShem is able to receive his words. That you
don’t understand what I say therefore signifies that you are
not of HaShem!”
48 Then answered the Yehudim in bald bitterness, “Didn’t we well
say that you’re from among the Shomroni, and that you have a
49 Y’shua
answered, “I don’t have a
demon! I honor my Father, which is why you dishonor me.
“I’m not after fame. There is One, however, that
does seek my fame; and that
same One also judges my service in his Name; for I position myself as
standing within The Name!
51 “Truly, I
truly say to you that if a man keeps my sayings, he will
never see death!”
Then the Yehudim snarled at him, saying, “Now we
know that you have a demon!
Avraham is dead; and the prophets, also! And yet you say, ‘If a man
keeps my sayings, he will
never taste of death!?’
53 “Are you greater
than our father Avraham, who’s
dead? The prophets are also
dead! Who is it that you make
of yourself!?”
54 Y’shua
answered with calm deliberation,“ If I honor myself, my honor means
nothing; but it’s the Father that honors me.
HaShem answers for me: him who
you claim to be your
“Yet, you haven’t known him.
But I know him; and if
I should say that I haven’t
known him, then I would be a liar, as
you are liars. But I
do know him, and I abide in
his Word. 56
“Your father Avraham rejoiced to see my day. He
saw it, and it made him glad!”
Then the Yehudim blundered, “You are not yet
fifty years old, and have you seen
58 Yahushua
said to them, “Truly! I tell you in truth, that before Avraham was,
Then they took up stones to throw at him; but
Y’shua escaped out of their hands and fled the temple. Hiding himself,
he used stealth to make his way through the midst of the crowd; and, so,
he eluded them.