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Yahuchanan Thirteen
While preparing for Pesach, Y’shua
understood that the hour had come for him to leave the world and
return unto the Father. He had loved his own who were in the world,
and he would love them to the end.
With the evening’s supper now over, the
adversary put seeds of betrayal into the heart of Yehudah K’riot,
Shimon’s son.
Knowing with certainty that the Father had
given all things into his hands, and that he had come from HaShem
and would return to HaShem,
Y’shua smiled upon him, “He that is washed need only wash his feet,
and he is clean every whit; for the feet bear the weight of the
circumstances of the journey on Earth. You are clean, but not all.”
“You call me your mashiyach and your rebbe, and you say well; for so
I am.
16“Truly, in
truth I say to you that the servant is not greater than his master;
neither is he that is sent greater than he that sent him.
If you can understand these things and walk
in those understandings, you will be blessed.
“I speak this, not of you all. I know you,
whom I have chosen; but the scripture must be fulfilled: ‘He that
eats bread with me has lifted up his heel against me.’
19“I tell you
this now, before it happens, so that, when it
has happened, you can
believe that I am he who should come.
When Y’shua had said these things, he was troubled in his spirit;
and he acknowledged that which was about to happen, saying, “Truly!
I say, of a truth, that one of you shall betray me.”
Y’shua answered, “It’s he unto whom I shall give this piece of
bread, after I have dipped it.” And when he had dipped the sop, he
passed it to Yehudah K’riot, the son of Shimon.
Some thought that, because Yehudah had
charge of their money, Y’shua had directed him to buy things needed
for the remainder of the feast, or that he had directed Yehudah to
give alms to the poor.
Then Yehudah, after he had received the sop,
went hurriedly out of the place they were staying. Committing
himself to the darkened city, he made his way through the night.
After Yehudah had gone out from among them,
Yahushua said, “Now the Son of Man is glorified, and HaShem is
glorified in him.
And if HaShem is glorified in him, then
hla will also glorify him within himself: immediately, and
without reservation.
“Little children, yet a little while I am
with you. You will seek me; and as I said unto the Yehudim, where I
go, you cannot come. So, now, I tell you this:
Shimon Kepa said unto him, “Rebbe, where are you going?” Y’shua
answered him, “Where I go, you cannot now follow; but you will
follow me, afterwards.”